The Bourne Valedictorian

Yeah—all of the movies had some holes, but that one in particular was almost unforgivable, especially when they went so far to explain all that convoluted time-stuff anyway.

I was kind of assuming that, with 24 different variations of Klingons at least TWO would look like the Klingons we’ve seen (and maybe they still will but)—so far as I could tell none of them did. That especially seems silly.

Now I very much want to see a steampunk Star Trek.

That’s the main reason I could never keep up with Amazing Race—it was ALWAYS running late due to football and there’s just too many things on Sunday night to justify making it the one thing I watch live...

That was immediately what I thought, too.

Eh, I’m going to go the Alan Moore and Stephen King route here and say he did nothing to Trek. The Trek you love is still there, and you can watch it or not watch any of the Trek episodes or movies as many times as you like. They remain completely unchanged no matter how many new movies or shows they make. He offered

Quiet—the nerds are fighting!

Did no one realize that Michelle Yeoh was going to die just from her “special guest star” credit? I thought “oh I guess they’re going to kill her” literally the moment I read that.

I was very disappointed at the lack of red shirts in this episode. I can only assume they’ll be making up for that in the future.

It was done throughout both episodes—-yes, sometimes it made sense (particularly during the giant space battle at the end of part 2), but other times it was very distracting.

He was genuinely my favorite character and the one I want to see more of (which is guaranteed he’ll end up on Discovery)—definitely the most well thought-out new character.

There was so much lens flare that J.J. Abrams should have been given an honorary directing credit.

I understand what you’re saying, but I get Trent100's point too—-this is series that’s supposed to be set both before and after time periods we are familiar with. Why would nothing resemble anything we’ve already seen (or, worse, why do they look so much more advanced than what we’ve seen later in the history of the

I don’t think that was ever adequately explained...

I never even know when people have responded to me, so I guess Kinja itself took care of that?


I totally agree with the camera angles. It felt like every single shot was just a bit askew, and some were a LOT askew. Very frustrating.

The “ski party” episode of It’s Always Sunny touched on the subject of how sex comedies of the 80's (the years of my adolescence) were basically just giant sexual harassment lawsuits waiting to happen. It’s really amazing my generation isn’t more screwed up about it than we are already.

What about those of us who were pre-disqus though??? WHAT ABOUT US???

Because “I’m just an asshole” doesn’t seem as cool?