The Bourne Valedictorian

Whoops—comments went a little nuts on me there. Posted this in completely the wrong place. KINJA!!!! :::shakes fist at sky:::

I would so watch the shit out of that.

Leftovers is worth it (though to be fair I didn’t hate the final season of Lost as much as you).

Planetary would be amazing. Probably my favorite maxi-series (?) ever.

Golden Age was such a great mini-series. I’d LOVE to see that whole universe expanded.

They chose to re-adapt Watchmen instead of the so obvious Sandman? Ugh. The film had LOTS of issues, but it’s about as close an adaptation anyone could have hoped for. This will likely be better, but I don’t see it being SO much better that it’s worth not doing something more original.

There really is nothing like having a kid to make you realize how much of a recurring theme children and pregnant women being in danger really is. We pretty much had to give up medical shows altogether.

Didn’t the Simpsons do this very same thing?

Yeah—I liked this one but didn’t find it as funny as the last one. NOT COUNTING THE SQUIRRELS OBVIOUSLY.

I’m betting a good number of the Beths were dead. Odds seem pretty high given Rick’s lifestyle.

I don’t know, “we have a possible doolittle” had me fucking rolling.

Yeah—these videos all made me laugh harder than that episode did.

Yeah the beginning was WAY off—I had to turn it down as I thought I had it set crazy-loud or something when it started, but then I couldn’t hear anyone talking. Very frustrating (and totally not worth it for this meh of an episode).

It was all so....boring. That was my biggest issue with it.

I completely agree, but will add the caveat that I wish this week’s episode had been, you know, funny.

I have to admit I’d probably laugh pretty hard if someone yelled “DIE YOU DUTCH COCKSUCKER” randomly during an overwatch game...

The kin jam prove chrome app helps immensely.

Why the fuck would anyone know that? Also, I’m going to presume it’s his former editor since he’s obviously shit at his job.

“They said it too!” —my 5-year-old also tries this excuse.

lol edgelord calling out an edgelord. I’m gonna get cut with all the edginess here!