The Bourne Valedictorian

*you’re. And your opinion that “casual racism is the BEST racism” isn’t as edgy as you think it is.

He’s basically Kyle’s dad. South Park really does hit the nail on the head so often it’s impressive. You should probably stop feeding him though.

Edgelord’s gotta edgelord

I feel pretty sure I’d have guessed the right song here, since the odds were 50/50 of which one of their hits it would be...

I’ve never seen one of these ‘screenings’ that wasn’t full as soon as it was posted...

Exactly! Give me Powergirl any day, because nothing says female empowerment like boob-windows!

I’m with you—the cable episodes remind me how annoying it is to listen to stoned people when you’re not one of them. No, stating the obvious or saying the same thing over and over again while giggling isn’t funny.

My guess is that Rick would enable Morty to vote because it’s such a mundane thing that he wouldn’t want to do it....besides, it’s not like a Morty would vote for a Morty over a Rick...right?

You’re all riled up like it’s Jessica’s picture day...

Who the fuck is noob noob?

Also, what are they trying to hide? And why so whimsical about it? Anyone so clearly trying to hide their identity for what must be horrible, shameful acts in their past should take it seriously.

Interesting, though that ending may actually be worse than the book’s as there’s no way (being the nerd that I am) I would be able to do anything other than snicker at the kids having to fight Starro the Conquerer...

I would hope Mike’s research has a big part in the sequel.

I first read “It” as a teenager. I have read it again several times, with the most recent being a few months ago when the new trailers first came out. The book got under my skin as a kid. As an adult (and father) it’s terrifying for entirely different reasons. It still resonates well, and that scene is still

The Dead Zone and Firestarter get overlooked quite a bit, but those are two very solid adaptations.

Those were some of the best parts of the book so I have to agree that I’d love to see them fleshed out in a movie—and really it only makes sense to have them serve as a bridge between the two (kind of like how the Godfather part II worked the history of the Godfather into it).

The boobs from the panic scene in Airplane! are forever burned into my brain.

If I hadn’t already read the book a few times by now I might be out based on that as well. It’s a completely different feeling reading it as an adult with children than it was as a teenager...terrifying for a whole new set of reasons.

I’m also in the “completely fucking hated the movie ending of The Mist” camp. I don’t think there’s a lot of us.

Is room 108 supposed to be 1408, or is there an adaptation I haven’t heard about? (genuinely asking here, since it’s completely plausible to me that there would be two King adaptations so close in title)