The Bourne Valedictorian

The Lawnmower Man does NOT count. I think King even sued to make sure it didn’t count, that’s how bad it was.

I’ll have to give Event Horizon another look. I haven’t sat through it completely since it’s theater run. All I can really remember about it was the volume was FAR too high at the theater and I was genuinely worried about hearling loss....which is scary, but not the kind of scary I was hoping for.

Honestly, “worth seeing” is about the best King adaptation review I’ve ever read.

I LOVE The Talisman and have read it several times (totally agree that it mostly seems like King). It’s interesting to me in how much it seemed like a Dark Tower novel before the Dark Tower was really becoming a thing. The sequel is straight-up a Dark Tower novel and is pretty entertaining, but just doesn’t have the

I loved Pet Semetary as a teenager —corny scary with Indian burial grounds and resurrections and what-not, but as an adult I find the idea too terrifying to revisit. What I looked upon as a “crazy white dude” becomes less and less crazy to me given what he goes through in that book, and where I am in life now with a

Luckily the ENTIRE REST OF THE INTERNET has you covered.

Well you’re in luck since it’s on Showtime—they’ve never understood the phrase “driven into the dirt” and will likely have many, many more seasons of this show. Unfortunately if their history is any indication only half of those will be watchable.

Yeah—so many of these have the “When should we put this one out? Maybe Septemberish?” feel to them. Movies that are perfectly competent, but you probably won’t remember past a week or so of seeing them...

Yeah—so many of these have the “When should we put this one out? Maybe Septemberish?” feel to them. Movies that are perfectly competent, but you probably won’t remember past a week or so of seeing them...

It ranks up there with the best of King’s books. There’s a mis-step here and there (yeah everyone knows specifically what I’m referring to here, but that topic has really been fucked to death at this point) but for the most part it’s a tight, very well-told story that will get under your skin. I went back and

Like all King adaptations I’ve been largely skeptical that it will be any good, but man all of the advanced word-of-mouth (not to mention the incredible trailers) has been so good I’m genuinely starting to get my hopes up. And that’s how they get you.

Yeah—Kingsman was over-the-top ridiculous fun. Anyone attempting to find an ideology to cling to in that movie is going to be sorely disappointed.

He’ll send a crow ahead of him though, so they’ll know he’s on his way in like, 10 minutes or so.

Hopefully you’ve learned to stop reading.

I think they only disappear for you (since he now has 63) so I think it’s just a feature designed to make you personally feel better. Really the whole internet should be like that.

“lowers your risk of death”...but doesn’t eliminate it, and really that’s what I’m interested in hearing about. Lowering my risk of death doesn’t mean much when it’s still going to end in death.

I mentioned this elsewhere in this thread, but there’s a theory going that Bran eventually becomes the Night King (meaning he’s been him all along) which would be knowledge of past events for him, given the whole time-travel/affecting things in his visions aspect.

I didn’t think “never play the same way twice” would have really helped any argument here...

Thanks for the response. I’m an oooollllddd legacy account that posted under another name with disqus, so this has all been extra confusing.

Oh haha—I actually tend to do that on archived TV Club posts for shows I binge-watch that were popular a while ago.