The Bourne Valedictorian

"There's a 40 percent chance this one's a dud"

Also, "you may want to freeze some sperm" was an amazing throwaway line.

"Who the fuck is Noob Noob" made me laugh out loud.

This is really the only reaction anyone should have to Sugar Ray. You know, other than "who?"

I'm guessing the Pirate Bay will likely have a copy or two as well…

End of Watch was so incredibly bizarre I genuinely thought King must have been back on the sauce when writing it. It's so out-of-left-field for the two pretty straight-forward first books…

This was my question as well. Any of the Hodges books I could see, but Wastelands? The second or third best of all the Dark Tower books?

So in other words, if I want to watch this it's off to bittorrent?

That yellow shirt and gold…tiara? -thingie would be the greatest thing on television.

I got a "Manimal" alert for this?

It's extremely easy to picture Cersei (particularly if she realizes her defeat is imminent) ordering the burning of the city and Jaime taking her down…

Also, luckily being missed by dragon fire aimed right at him!

Wait—where'd he get the coconuts???

I like Bronn a lot but was rollling my eyes when he didn't die…dodging fire is such an overused trope in movies it seems even more unrealistic on a show with dragons somehow.

Am I the only one wishing for subtitles throughout this movie? For a movie entirely in English I could only understand about a third of what was being said. Visually it was stunning and I could certainly hear the rest of the movie ('SPLOSIONS!!!) just fine, but it was so frustrating not being able to understand what

If you had a hard time hearing this I strongly advise waiting to watch Dunkirk on video so you can turn the subtitles on. I really thought I was losing my hearing in that movie.

If you're remembering that list off the top of your head I'm really impressed. My poor old brain remembers all those seasons as good, but I'll be damned if I could have named the year they came out. If you wrote it all down I'm almost as impressed, but mostly because of what a weird thing to do that would be.

Man I know a LOT of people feel this way, but he feels like a breath of fresh air to me—like the only one playing that genuinely knows it's a game and really doesn't give a fuck.

In my mind Arya is already at Winterfell, just disguised as The-Seven-knows-who and lying in wait to get a feel for things. She's the one person who's whereabouts don't really need to be explained since she can be anyone.

If the way the past novels grew in length is any indication the next book will be about 3000 pages, and the final book will require a completely new style of printing to hold it together.