The Bourne Valedictorian

I was happy they gave old lady Tyrell the chance to spill the beans about it being her that killed ol' Joffrey. Even though I knew that from reading the books it gave me faith the show runners weren't going to leave plot-threads hanging (since it had never been acknowledged she was responsible on the show as far as I

Goddammit I get angry every time I remember this movie exists and that I paid to see it in a theater. I did stay all the way through (but was laughing by the end). Can't say the same for Howard the Duck—-left that one about 30 minutes into it.

"If you would like to meet Stephen King in the story turn to page 19. Or just wait, as you'll meet him no matter where you turn eventually"
"If you would like a good ending to this book, keep dreaming"

Winter Soldier was the best Avengers movie.

I think they've been setting up Bucky Cap for a while now—besides, he's the one actor that really doesn't have much else to do and is fairly new to these films (even though somehow he's been around since the first Captain America).

…and funny. Also I hope I don't see it with the dude that clapped EVERY SINGLE TIME a new character came on screen.

IM3 is fascinating to me, in that it seems to be a "love it or hate it" movie (where IM2 was just sorta bad and no one really talks about it). Personally I liked it, but that was probably due more to Shane Black than anything about the film being particularly amazing. It was the one marvel movie until Spider-man

To be fair, they're only that way towards the two really bad, most recent DC movies (that just happened to be the 'anchors' for DC's version of what Marvel's been doing for 10 years already) and it's because they are REALLY BAD. Like "how do you mess this up so much it should have been easy they're beloved heroes for

I'm picturing the George Perez spreads from "Crisis on Infinite Earths" right now, and yeah, that's a feature.


They even gave the Hulk a haircut for his new movie!

That sounds pretty great actually…intermission and all!

You know they're totally going to kill him.

"All these boats! They just snuck up on us!!!"

"Does this guy ever have to take a dump?"

I don't know, "33" was pretty damn great television. I get your point on the rest though (and admittedly I think it started great then just sort of ran out of gas as it went along…)

She's the "kill em all and let the seven sort them out" variety…

Yeah—it makes sense for that to be a calculated move on his part. It's not like he was going to do anything but get captured had he rushed his uncle. We'd just seen him kill a dozen people but suddenly he regressed? Too easy I think. His final redemption is coming I'd bet (perhaps sacrificing himself to kill his

You've read a lot more (HA) into the Sand Snakes from the books than I have, as they seem pretty useless in the books too. Though book Dorne is far, far more interesting than show Dorne it's still pretty boring.

The show had no choice but to strip away a LOT of that stuff, or we'd still be on book 2 (panning very slowly over an exquisite feast, no doubt. That or what's her name—- that married Bronn in the books—- still being raped by the entire town of King's Landing). I assume should the next books every actually be