The Bourne Valedictorian

Yeah—that's one of those things that sounds pretty good in theory, but the odds of shooting something like that accurately at what is super likely to be a moving target seems slim to none. How are they supposed to practice with it? How many bolts have they made for that thing?

It sure seems like SOMEONE should have been keeping watch for some sort of attack, considering they were sailing off to war. Then again, I was in the Army…what do I know about boat stuff?

So Qyburn is the…."Q" of King's Landing?


That story (and actually most of the four in that book) was just fucking disturbing on an emotional level to read. "A Good Marriage" was the most well-told and genuinely good story in it, but the one you mention was just insane to me. To even have an idea like that and to (seemingly) gleefully see it to it's bitter

Again? By my accounting their record is 0-1.

I think every joke in Austin Powers is like this…from the extended "end one person's sentence with another person talking to make it sound dirty" to "how about no Scott" to "MOLE!" It seems to be Mike Myers' thing.

My first thought was "that is one long-ass walk"

It's not a very fun thing, but it was slightly interesting to read once.

Okay….not sure what the "please" is for? I'm sure you're right and your answer is waaaay beyond anything I (and most audiences I would wager) care about. I was just asking because I don't know. Thanks for clearing it up!

Was he actually in the city though? Surely those rules are different for as far out in the suburbs as they looked to be?

Honestly it will be a damn shame if Daredevil and Spider-man never cross paths—hell, they're practically neighbors!

When is Black Panther scheduled? That one looks pretty serious but seems like it's not until next year…

Yep—though I really hope the DVD release compiles all of his parts, as they were all pretty funny.

This is really the first of the Spider-man movies to get the "being young" part right. Tom Holland nails it, and really the high school parts are very well done.

I will say it was a relief to know all of that had already happened in this movie.

He was, they just mention it in passing. Which, frankly, is awesome. Who needs to see that again? I'M TALKING TO YOU BATMAN—-WE KNOW YOUR PARENTS ARE DEAD

Do you have these same issues with Star Wars? I mean, I'm a super-nerd so I see spaceships and guys dressed in robes fighting with laser swords and think "AWESOME" but certainly from a big picture perspective they're quite silly I would think. You know, to semi-normal people or "adults" or whatever.

Biggest laugh in my theater involved Captain America. So, so very funny.

I just re-watched them both and had genuinely forgotten how good Dawn was. I liked Rise—there were some issues for sure, but it's a pretty tight film all the way around, and sets up Dawn better than I had remembered.