The Bourne Valedictorian

Wait a minute—I get that you really hated Prometheus and Covenant, and agree that it's warranted, but to say that AVP is better than ANY movie other than AVP 2 is just going too far. That is one terrible movie in oh so many ways.

Haha I used to LOVE that game! The funny thing is that's the very first thing I thought of when they showed the alien POV as well. The multiplayer on that was some of the most unique and epic multiplayer I've ever played.

That really bugs me about this too—I suppose you could blame it on David's "manipulations", but still—what was it, 10 minutes or so? That's clearly not enough time based on prior films.

"Let's get out of here before those things kill Guy!"

Wait—so you went to a movie with friends that fell asleep during the first ten minutes? How late was this screening?

I'm amazed it was still on the air. I watched two episodes and just couldn't do it. All of CBS' "comedies" tend to have that affect on me though.

Well he was asking for it dressed like that!

Great to know! Prey looks good (and I loved System Shock 2 and all of the Bioshock games)—-and you're right, I'm interested much more in hearing comparisons to SS than anything else…I don't preorder as a general principal but I'm all about first week ordering if I hear enough good things.

DOOM is a blast. Fast moving and just feels good—they definitely nailed that remake.

I have Overwatch on computer and Xbox One—the Xbox is mostly for my kids (to keep them from messing with my online account) but I've played a few times and am just a mess compared to online. The only saving grace is understanding the characters moves, but trying to aim is a bitch with a controller—how anyone plays a

It was, indeed, a hoot, but better than Half-life?

Well I guess I'm playing Heroes of the Storm to earn the stupid DVA skin for Overwatch….also the Quake beta, but I expect that to be fun.

Yeah but that's likely not the dogs' fault they don't know their names…

So they're the ones to blame for all those goddamn cats that can't spell right pictures?

Creative people should all be in jail is what that sentence tells me.

You been in the hospital or something? Glad to see you're up and about again!

Don't all vaginas sound like that? ….I don't date much

I live here and can honestly say no one here did either—we all expected to give the Blackhawks a run for their money, but NO ONE predicted a sweep! Talk about gelling at the right time…

I watched "Colossal" and found it to be sort of interesting and really, really strange. I enjoyed it overall—even though Sudeikis almost nailed it but was ultimately miscast (he just doesn't quite have the range needed for the role).

This—-I snorted at this line I laughed so hard.