The Bourne Valedictorian

Right? How do you not listen up to at least the tape you're on? I would have listened all night.

I call him Doctor?

Yeah—and out of uniform it was face the flag with hand over heart. Living on base all the flag rituals were a pain. I still remember the mad rush to get inside before "Retreat" started every day haha.

I'm former military and we were always expected to do it on base, so that habit continued for me. For a long time after I got out I always assumed the others doing it were former military as well. I assumed normal people just stood there and looked at the flag (and sang if they're one of the few people who's range

Agreed—It was so disappointing after seeing that amazing credit sequence to see that first fight in particular though, since you think "maybe he gets it" straight to "well clearly he doesn't" and then it just gets worse. There were good moments in Watchmen, but it was ultimately disappointing because of those good

Overboard? That's the first one that game to mind for me just because it's so cringe-worthy in it's premise, but yeah, Escape From L.A. was really bad too…

The fight between the Comedian and Ozymandias in the Comedian's condo. It's filmed like a fight between two super-powered people (seriously, the marble fireplace surround explodes from one of their punches)—-it really bothered me since one of the whole points of the comic series was that they were normal people that

I knew I was in trouble the second the marble fireplace started exploding from the punches of two guys that don't have powers. That moment alone (after what was admittedly a pretty stunning opening sequence) made me fear he just didn't understand the material…and I was right. Though I do give him slight kudos for

Howard the Duck. It was a long time ago but no other film has ever come close.

I haven't read the book, and while I got the structure as the reviewer mentions one of the more infuriating parts of the show is that he just needed TO LISTEN TO THE DAMN TAPES. Fine, I'll buy that he's sensitive or it hurts too much and he has to space it out, but the parts where he's very clearly asking things that

Yeah I agree—Marcus was one of the worst to me, and one of the things I disliked about the show (which overall I really enjoyed) was not seeing SOMETHING happen to him for doing that.

That was quite possibly the most disturbing portrayal of suicide I've ever seen. The structure of the show being such that you deeply care about her (and her parents) by that point made it so much worse.

I thought he was outstanding in this (though I've seen other comments that disagree) and I'm not sure I'd seen him in anything before. The character is a bit annoying but he kind of had to be to fit the narrative (LISTEN TO THE DAMN TAPES ALREADY).

And you best fucking believe they will remove you from the flight if they see you using it. Airlines do NOT play around anymore.

Aw, I didn't know Emilia's mom had an account….how cute!

He better stop threatening me!

My problem now is I'm so bored by the show I don't pay enough attention to episodes to understand who the garbage people are or how they came to be….how they are. I mean, I watched every episode and saw Rick fight Garbage Slipknot Zombie and all, but I still don't entirely get how their existence came to be, or why

These comments have been the most interesting part of this show for several seasons now…

To this day when my kids asks me to close his closet door (because it's open…just a crack) that story still immediately pops into my head.

Those parts aren't even legal in the states!