The Bourne Valedictorian

Yeah, but we all forget that on purpose.

My experience reading this as an adult father was totally different than my experience reading it as a teenager—-both were terrifying but for completely different reasons…

I re-read "It" a few months ago and remembered about halfway through—-such a weird and unnecessary thing to include.

Like most others have said don't START your King experience with it. I'd probably read at least one shorter one (The Shining is highly recommended, or The Dead Zone or Misery) to get a feel for his style. "It" is maybe my favorite King book by King, but it's VERY long and very dense.

If you think that's funny, wait til you see what happens to the kid next!

I was wondering why he would correct him if Trump called him by the right name…

Then why did he correct him?

It's just the current generation's version of "in my day we didn't have fancy things like seat belts and pasteurized milk like you sissies today!!!"

That's actually a pretty great idea.

The writer and director of Looper wrote and directed Star Wars 8…

Having been a teenager when those came out I can tell you that most of the 80's were like that.

I have a difficult time believing this show will be funnier than the current comedy going on in the White House…

Haha I still say "what the hell is an aluminum falcon?" all the time—those specials were hilarious.

The funniest part of that whole thing to me was Chris referencing the fact that Robot Chicken had already done it…(WARNING: joke explanation incoming) since Seth Green is the voice of Chris and a producer/writer/voice on Robot Chicken.

You get better results for that kind of search with Bing anyway….you know, from what I've heard.

"…a drop of golden sun?"

Yes! Dalton pretty much a dead-on rated Bland.

Is he still dating Larry David's daughter? She seems sorta like a pothead herself….wonder if they're quitting together? Also, how is any of this my business at all?

It's a black metal article—it will be lucky to get 666 views…