The Bourne Valedictorian

That's a real shame. Think of how well this movie might have done we're it not for this horrible mistake….

It's like the Ice Bucket challenge but only to raise awareness of stupid people. They're out there, and they're licking game cartridges.

She's pretty regular on New Girl now. I never watched Mulaney so I can only assume New Girl is better.

I don't have a 360 but so far every 360 game I've chosen has been backwards compatible—which is really cool.

It used to be $40 a year….that was a fine deal. They completely jacked it up to far beyond worth it levels a couple of years ago.

I need Denzel Washington to make sense of my life.

They looked like my parents trying to figure out how to sign up for e-mail.

Sorry—just hard to take a criticism of Amy Adams saying "she's okay at looking distant and sad" seriously. Then calling this film 'trite' ("overused and consequently of little import; lacking originality or freshness") when it's anything but particularly when compared to the current age of science fiction just made

Yeah, thoughtful Sci-fi doesn't go too far these days when the kids want everything all 'splody.

Geez yes—-all the "Scorsese got screwed" moments are mixed up in my head apparently….and while Dances With Wolves was also perfectly fine, it was no Goodfellas. Sorry and thanks for the correction.

That's my personal underdog, but I'm a sucker for good science fiction, a well-told story and a good emotional twist. The biggest snub this year without a doubt is Amy Adams. I know it would be treading old ground to mention it again in this article, but come on, just because it's been repeated often doesn't mean

Ordinary People (a fine movie) over Goodfellas will always be the worst for my lifetime, especially since Goodfellas is one of my all time favorite movies.

Aw I didn't know that—somehow that makes all the awfulness sweet? Okay maybe not, but still….awwww

Carrie Fuck You That's Why

That is one crazy sounding cough. Good thing you're responding to a Doctor!

I thought Captain Marvel was a done deal and on the schedule? Admittedly it should have been faster, but I think she's always been in the plans.

He was pretty hilarious in Avengers too—that "he's adopted" line killed.

For a minute I thought "wow did he really say that?" then realized I had Roose Bolton mixed up with Reince Preibus and just forgot that one of those names is totally made up.

It is nice to see that the usual "lol jk!" defense doesn't always work for them…

I'm sure after seeing Will Arnett's reading in the Batman Lego movie he realized there's no way he could ever compete with that.