The Bourne Valedictorian

That scene was fucking devastating, and made me want to see more of Michelle Williams in everything. She may win the Oscar on those two minutes alone.

This is a good list. Nice work.

I'm about 2/3 of the way through my first play-through now and am really enjoying it, though I do have the issue of being antsy to finish so I can start my next play-through. I think I shouldn't have picked Corvo first, since it's basically the same game as last time with him.

As a Bengals fan I was wholly prepared for it. You don't go through 30 years of near-constant misery without learning a thing or two.

Was it the guy updating his instagram as the ship took off? I mean, I assume that's what he was doing, because seriously, what was he doing?

You caught me—it was a joke to see what kind of asshole would call out kids just because he has a different opinion. I don't even have kids!

That's what I got out of it too—she finally talks to her dad after 15 years and he tells her he sacrificed everything to make sure this thing could be destroyed, and suddenly she had a reason to care.

I was very impressed with the CGI Leia and Tarkin. I'm convinced (and thankful) that there is no way they'll ever get that "right" where you're completely convinced it's that person, but I think they came as close as they could. I think adult's brains automatically distract them because they know it's not real. My

I took my kids this morning and they loved it (well, the 10-year-old did anyway….the 6-year-old has some attention span issues so it was a bit long for him). I went in blind or I might have re-thought it, but it didn't bother them a bit.

I'm with you—Vader kicking ass and taking names and the rebels BARELY getting the plans away was some cool shit. A bit of fan-service maybe (since we know something like that had to obviously have happened) but I still got a goofy smile on my face as soon as we saw Leia's ship.

Yep—personally I think this one adds depth to the rest. It may be the only one that feels like it's got any weight to it. I've heard a few friends on facebook that see that as a negative, but I think it's about time. I watched A New Hope last night and was impressed today that this movie made the start of that film

That's totally what it reminded me of as well—I was disappointed he didn't say "meatbags" at least once….

So many people argue that anymore that I don't think it is arguable at this point. <—-That is a sentence that would totally be at home in the sequel. Just don't throw it in anyone's face.

I watch this once a year, and am looking forward to next year's already (assuming there will be a 4k release of it at some point next year). It really is a reference piece of material for how amazing a movie can look. And it doesn't hurt that it's a great film as well.

The Americans for me. Started it this Summer and am almost caught up.

As a historian we expect you to be keeping track of these things.

She's clearly made a deal with Satan. I mean, Winter's Bone was good and all, but good-enough to make her the next HUGE thing?

I would add the title sequence of Seven to this list. David Fincher has a couple of good ones now that I think about it—Panic Room was pretty cool too.

and you just fucking know it's Sheldon.

It's the ones that are shocked that he's still acting like he did when he was trying to get elected crack me up. They're just now starting to realize that no, he wasn't acting that way just to get elected—he's really like that ALL the time…