The Bourne Valedictorian

That WOULD be funny.

I played that game so long I had many of those damn shanties memorized. Fun game overall—though it ultimately suffered from the same "damn this is repetitive" thing that all games seem to after a while…

Also, what the hell happened to security guy (who got jumped two episodes ago) and why is it no one even seems to notice he's gone?

I'm glad to see he finally got rid of that extra 'A' in his last name.

I liked it, but it's a little odd to me that they left the security guard and ol' what's her name's fate up in the air. For being this long it seems weird to me that they'd leave plot points dangling like that.

Not sure I'd call Heaven Can Wait a period piece…

Sitting at the front of the bus, sewing the first American flag so women would get the right to vote, all while dying from cancer due to her experiments. Who could forget all that?

Yeah—judging from the "young" Ford who goes to argue with Arnold in Delores flashback and the Ford that greets Bernard there was a lot of time between the two things happening.

This album was a staple of every high school party I went to—and "The New Style" holds up as well as any classic rap.

Yeah—I liked Ill Communication, but it was really more of the same from Check Your Head. Also, far too many distorted bullhorn effects in use. Still, "Get it Together" and "Flute Loop" are two of my all time favorite Beastie Boys songs.

So did anyone else think the robot in the room downstairs with Felix was an homage to Yul Brynner? It was only a dark silhouette, but all alone in the room with him it sure looked ominous.

And didn't Diddy do that with all of his songs? I remember Every Breath You Take distinctively in one of his songs. If I recall correctly he had other songs as well. That also did things in them. Can't swear to it though.

I totally get it. I almost…almost feel the same…I'm just holding out for the payoff at this point, though I'm expecting to be disappointed. I will say the teaser for what's coming looked interesting at least.

"There's something in my mouth" always killed me

I would have put Jeepers Creepers somewhere on this list—-it's not a great movie by any means, but the opening 20 minutes or so is as creepy as anything I've ever seen.

The "waves" thing was done in WWZ (book, not really the movie—but they are really two very, very different things anyway) and that would be kind of cool to see.

Yes! When did it happen? I seriously stopped not too long after the Negan storyline and tiger-guy were introduced (due to the fatigue everyone's mentioned). I just didn't care anymore. Dang it, if it's better now I may have to catch up…

I usually wait until the season is over and binge them all at some point when I've run out of things to watch. It's easier to fast-forward through them, and it glosses over the weaker points. I have to watch when episodes like this happen to avoid getting spoiled, but at least now I'm free to hold off on watching

This is somehow the most disturbing comment on the entire board.

I waited a while for the book to get to the part where society starts to rebuild (I mean seriously, at this point most of the zombies should have liquefied or been eaten down to the skeleton by flies and maggots….which don't seem to exist on the show) but eventually got bored as well.