The Bourne Valedictorian

Eh, the raise is negated by coming to a recap to specifically make a comment on a show you don't watch….it almost falls into the "I don't even own a TV" range?

Yeah—I thought it was a really weak episode. It had a decent premise, but then fall back SO hard on the "nightmare within a nightmare within a nightmare" trope that it totally lost me.

The cool thing is cats wouldn't care a bit about their ratings. That's the real key.

Thanks to having a job almost the same thing happened to me!

Like most Americans I've always assumed Australia was just a movie set.

Hard to say I guess—it's possible he wasn't the one that edited? I've seen R-rated films much worse than this one in both gore and violence, so either they cut way too far down or the board was being entirely too hard on him due to the general aesthetics of the film.

Interestingly enough it actually does—the "minions" of the powdered-wig wearing "directors" are all naked, very-attractive women. For some reason (you get the idea that this game has been going on for a while and has some sort of rules, but none of it really makes any sense). I suspect it's some sort of allegory for

Exactly—the thing that made the first Halloween so good is what made Zombie's remakes so bad. He's scary because you have no fucking idea why he's doing what he's doing.

There are scenes where you legitimately can not tell what's happening. And that's not on purpose for tension, it's just shot so poorly and darkly that you just can't see it.

Yeah—this was easily his worst movie and I've hated the last few (including his far too explainy Halloween remakes).

Agreed—and that wouldn't be too bad except she hasn't aged well and looks especially haggard in this film (which is terrible).

I had never heard it before the movie.

I was lucky enough to catch them live a couple of times—fun show, very high-energy.

This was an amazingly prophetic comment in light of recent events…

Well that's why you're the judge and I'm the…law…talking…guy.

It's been 30 years since the catastrophic failure they keep mentioning…he's been running around for 30 years…I got the impression this is a 'sequel' of sorts to the movie (with the movie being the failure). I haven't gone back to look but I wondered if the "underground" matched up with some of the original movie's

This makes that "Difficult People" episode even more insightful.

And not, you know, The Thing (circa 2011)

I learned today that some people think it means "drowning in pussy." I am not one of those people.

I had to look it up—it's called "In the Tall Grass" and was written with his father (guess it wasn't a corn field after all) and man oh man did that one get under my skin.