The Bourne Valedictorian

Since cats have been known to eat their children I bet it's probably okay with abortion.

I bet his cat thinks he's an asshole too.


Ms Abbot makes the show for me—her delivery of that "blow job" line made me guffaw. The line itself was great, but her delivery was just priceless.


Dammit I keep forgetting this is based on the BBC series so these stupid spoilers keep grabbing me. What a douche.

We don't actually know that's where they're going with this though—and if it's trying to be realistic I would think any decent defense attorney would immediately seize on that type of thread so far as helping to create doubt in the mind of a jury goes….I'll join your disappointment if that's how it plays out, but my

Ah I think I see what you're saying now—you're comparing them using the diminishing returns as evidence of a bad movie where Bay uses the total as evidence of a good movie. Sorry, I was being kind of dense there. Yes, yes I agree—it's just a case of people reading into numbers what they want to see. I haven't seen

Didn't Michael Bay use that exact argument for Transformers 2 though (still the film that proves to me no matter how amazingly shitty a movie is there are people that will pay money to see it).?

I honestly thought it was a joke trailer along the lines of the trailers in Tropic Thunder.

Yeah—The Flash is pretty much the perfect super-hero show. I like Marvels Netflix titles, but I appreciate that I can watch the Flash with my kids and still enjoy it.

Sorry—I just watched the extended version of BVS and it's really not very good. I was hoping maybe adding more would add….more, but no, it actually somehow made less sense (especially with the woman in the subway—what's up with expanding her plot then never explaining it?). Both of them seemed even more like dicks

She must have seen a ton of tits!

Actually a petition to Warner Brothers to stop making shitty DC movies would make WAY more sense than this…

Have to admit, I'm disappointed.

This is true of oh-so-many things. Whenever anyone tries to blanket-statement any group of people as heroes (military—of which I've been a member—policemen, firement, etc) I try to remind them that, just like every other group out there those groups have their share of assholes too.

Does anyone even remember that he did that at this point? Not the Clinton part obviously, but the jobs thing? I mean, as disliked as Hilary is (particularly in the past year or so) this really should have been a Republican slam-dunk. I'm registered Independent and was more than willing to be open-minded given that

That is remarkably insightful given the source…

His assistant though…

I totally picture Seth Rogan stoned out of his mind and watching and saying 'you know what song would be awesome here…."