The Bourne Valedictorian

he's never been convicted, if that's what you're asking.

It's the only character McBride seems to know how to play frankly. Which is fine, though I'm glad each season of East Bound only lasted six episodes, as that seemed to be my limit.

The lego games are a blast on the Wii U as well—-my kids like playing them more on the Wii U than the playstation, since it doesn't use the split screen—one player can use the controller and the other can use the TV.

It actually does a pretty good job of pairing you up with people on your same skill level. I've been playing for a while and I'm still not very good, but the others on my team are usually about the same. Even better is finding a group of friends and playing with them—teamwork is essential in Overwatch, and it's a

I've been obsessed with this idea since starting Overwatch. Overwatch as a first person shooter telling the backstory (and being able to play as each character) would just be amazing.

Agreed—I've played them all (I'm old) and was very happily surprised how fun this version was.

haha yeah—now that everyone is ready for her (particularly now that McCree is viable again) I don't think I've heard her entire sentence in over a month

In almost every comp game I've played Lucio has been the healer to go with, and if you need a second Zenyatta has been very popular since the buff they added to him.

"Justice Rains from aaasusagughhh"

Don't blame me….I didn't give a shit about any of this.

It's not often I think a movie looks just awful right out of the gate, but that trailer is terrible. And while I like the guy just fine, Hunnam has never been the best actor. It's hard to imagine him adding any sort of gravitas to a role that requires it like this.

….that would be so awesome

The fact that he essentially committed treason—-willingly providing arms to sworn enemies of the United States is the textbook definition of treason—-and Iran-Contra was that—and got away with it just blows my mind.

Considering the other candidate for President I would wager there is zero chance that Hilary has locked up the "neocon nutjob" vote.

Ugh—sorry but these comments are the worst. There are literally 100 other articles on here that have nothing to do with politics, and at least two of them are right on the front page.

Where's Henry Winkler when you need him??? He could have been the anti-Chachi (codename: Fonz)!!!

That's only the democratic primaries now. The Republican primaries you need three forms of government issued i.d. and a blood sample.

Whoa whoa whoa….you're the one saying "that's the only explanation" ….I was just offering alternatives. I didn't realize when you named yourself "truth sayer" it meant that you took that literally. You're a rhetorical commenter. That's a new one for me.

Just FYI here's a fun article: Trump won the nomination with the 8th lowest delegate percentage in history. You keep fucking that chicken though.