The Bourne Valedictorian

Perhaps…and I'm just spit-balling here…the "landslide" was due to the clown car of Republican nominees? It was just a pathetic group this year (I mean—worse than most and that's saying a lot)—there are probably a few reality TV stars that could have pulled together some primary victories out of that bunch. I bet


Republicans made the same claim when Obama won the nomination over Hilary back in 2008…."Oh the Hilary voters are pissed and they'll all vote McCain" They didn't, and Sanders supporters won't vote for Trump.

Yeah that math doesn't check out to well does it? There is an off chance that his base was so young they didn't bother voting, since, you know, they never do, but that seems like a really off chance. Either way if that's the case they won't bother voting for Trump either…

Yeah I'm surprised it's as big a deal as it is—was there really any doubt this was happening?

The yelling was implied I think.

Are you trying to suggest that Chachi's speech that he wrote in church was funny? I'm not sure you understand what you're trying to say here…

I think you need to say it as an acronym in order for him to comprehend it. Internet bro's have difficulty with actual words.

They both felt straight out of Stephen King to me—the bullies in "It" and "Stand by Me" both took more violent turns as the stories escalated…I didn't mind them for that reason, though it was still jarring how quickly it escalated…perhaps a bit more establishing time to the bullies and kids conflicts could have helped?

While I love Mr Robot, I can certainly see how this show has more appeal…the "mood" of each is strikingly different.


She mentioned he was paying her rent.

That's exactly what I thought—he sees Naz as an opportunity.

It's funny how you can really see the story the girl tells about her parents while shooting the gun is very much true, not just some jaded teenager's viewpoint. They really fit her description to a tee.

Yeah—I grew up in a small Kentucky town in the 80's and this isn't too far off what it was like for us. Particularly the unsupervised portions—-we were on our own what seems like an insane amount when you think about the way things are now…

Totally agree—being an older teen when the Goonies came out I didn't like it at the time (which I mostly kept to myself since damn near everyone else seemed to love it) and like it even less now. It's just not a very good movie.

Agreed—I loved You're Next and really enjoyed The Guest (though I thought it had a lot more flaws)—I'll see this just based on those two films.

While I'm not excited that it's a sequel to Blair Witch, I enjoyed You're Next and The Guest enough to give it a chance.

I still say that Friday the 13th part 6 (JASON LIVES!) was the best of the lot.

That's cool, because Trump has been for AND against all those things! Maybe he'll land where you want him to!