The Bourne Valedictorian

Yeah, not at all what happened in that video and you should be ashamed for trying to portray it that way (though if you're genuinely that stupid then I apologize), and if you can post stupid crap like that I can rebutt with as inane a comment as I'd like—thanks much.

Oh my God context much? This is not even remotely close to what happened. I just watched it and if Republicans are seriously getting their panties in a bunch over that statement then 1) they really aren't paying attention to what Trump says or does at all and 2) they're deranged. Here's a hint: relating something

And subversive is the first quality I look for in a President….though sadly it's pretty easy to find in these candidates…

I feel like if I were stoned I'd have a better idea of what he were saying….or at least I'd find it amusing maybe. …probably not though.

Yeah—at first I was interested because the use of language is generally more colorful than the average troll, but in the end it's still signifying nothing. Seems pointless to respond.

2004 was also largely due to the Democratic candidate having the personality of a lump of coal. I may have voted for Kerry, but I'd rather have a beer with Bush any day of the week (this is largely true of 2000 as well I think).

Oh come on Lumpy—you have to be more thick-skinned than that! Or, you know, at least actually address the points that are being made…but then you wouldn't be Hannity if you actually did do all that so nevermind I guess…

Having been a teen in the 80's myself, it was fairly difficult to find some of the lesser-known gems that you speak of—certainly in my small town we didn't know much other than what the radio told us was out there, and that was before Mtv existed and got fairly creative with their playlists. The soundtrack is on the

They were definitely anti-semitism, and as far as I can see his were the only comments deleted. There's plenty of crazy still to be found on here.

The porn comment now looks especially bad out of context….(don't worry, I actually saw all the originals so I know you're not crazy….well, THAT crazy anyway)

I think you meant to put this in The Daily Show comment section? I know you're new to the site and it's sort of easy to get lost, but the name of the article is right up there at the top…

That Yahoo-Community debacle is exactly what bittorrent is great for. One guy got it to work right, recorded it and shared it with all of us with no patience for sorting all that crap out…

weirdly-short jews?

What's there on the lawn?

I would totally watch this movie. Watch the shit out of it you might say.

He means the majority of white people, which isn't actually a majority of anything anymore…

I always thought the story said it was just some Random Joe, but now it all makes sense.

Wait—can you prove that Hillary isn't a man in a bad wig and ill-fitting pantsuits??? CHECKMATE!

What's with all the weird, seemingly random comments coming in now? This isn't a response to the article, or anyone in particular. It's like someone said "Okay everyone, skip the meds and get out there and comment! No I don't care what you comment, just make it as meaningless as possible!"

I'm not sure why this is a response to me? I mean, obviously you cut and paste it where ever Hilary is mentioned I suppose, but it doesn't really address my comment at all…