The Bourne Valedictorian

Wow. This is hands-down the stupidest comment here. There was some tough competition—you should be proud.

Even Megyn Kelley wants maternity leave—just not entitlements!

Did you even read that story?

I have no earthly idea what you're basing this claim that we "know" it will get worse under HRC on—certainly not history. Under her husband America was the most prosperous that it has been in the last 60 years.

I can totally hear him saying "A documentary? I figured this was some kind of avant-garde comedy?"

I'm picturing Clint Eastwood…

I feel like this is something you just go around the internet posting in random places. If it's not it ought to be. The crazy has been broughten.

It still would have been cooler if they'd given him a goatee though…

Yesterday's Enterprise is my all-time favorite episode of any Star Trek, ever. It just gets so many things right.

This year the part of "empty chair" will be played by Scott Baio.

I think you're on to something the show will end up bringing up. I thought when they first showed the "crime scene" and specifically all the blood spatter on the lamp and elsewhere that it would end up being an important (if unspoken thus far) point.

Eh, my kids want to see it so I'll take them since the reviews seem decent enough (My 6-year-old is genuinely excited for this film) but I'm not sure I've had much interest in it. I saw the original in the theater and it was good. Certainly not Citizen Kane but funny and unique. Ghostbusters II was not good. My

Lucio is actually my go-to—-his sound repel blast is too much fun on maps with ledges. I blasted an ulting DVA and her exploding mech off the ledge of a map yesterday. That may be my favorite moment in the game so far…

I gorged on Overwatch myself (wife and kids out of town) and discovered the joys of being yelled at by strangers while trying out competitive mode. The secret to that game is to find decent people (both at the game and how they treat other people) and latch on to them immediately. It's a completely different game in

Haha yes, nephew—thanks. Bloodlines on this show always get a bit…murky.

Even though the show has been somewhat brutal in it's depiction, it doesn't come close to the books (always my least favorite part of the books)—the rape of that poor girl in book 2 (whose name escapes me but she ends up married off to Bronn due to one of the hundreds that raped her getting her pregnant) being

I think Tommen was the biggest surprise for me—in hindsight it shouldn't have been I suppose, but I just didn't see that coming at all. Just like whoever he landed on probably.

Not James Bond? I always relish that walk/gunshot/blood opening—though it turns out I didn't miss it that much when it wasn't there in Skyfall so I guess my answer is /shrug —long as the movie's good.

With only 14 episodes or so left that's probably enough. Tyrion will have to be reunited with them at some point—likely as conqueror, though part of me can picture him riding in and finding Jaime with a dead Cersei in his arms, having just killed her as she threatened to blow up the rest of King's Landing rather than

I bet if they're hated by anyone it's only a handful of people—and even then it's only because they might have a fraction of a guess as to what really happened. They're also likely the people that hated the Lannisters' already. The play of Westoros' history in the past few episodes really drives home the point that