The Bourne Valedictorian

Hmmm…so a vasectomy is like a get out of rape free card?

At first I was going to say something about why on earth you kept watching when the first episode was that bad, then realized I sort of understand, having watched the entire first season AND two or three episodes of the second season of that awful stabby murder-fest show Kevin Bacon was in. I realized how much I

Here's a question for you: have you ever had sex with a person where neither of you could have passed a sobriety test? If the other person had reported you for rape later based on the fact that they weren't sober enough to make a good decision would that be justified? Please don't get me wrong—I'm not saying it is

He was really drunk, so no.

So they've been Dixie-Chicked is what you're saying?

I'm so very disappointed it's not "Justice League: Starro the Conqueror"

In the immortal words of Sir Hudson: "Why don't you put her in charge?"

Ah he was just binge-watching to try and keep all the characters straight. I wish I could catch up on shows that fast.

That's how you measure how important a landmark really is—how many times has it been destroyed on film? Five is a pretty good number I think.

I'm betting they start the road story towards the end of the season—I don't think they'll abandon that format entirely, I think they're just using a different structure to introduce the characters before setting them out. If it turns out you're right I will be disappointed though.

Unless the Red folk bring him back I doubt Brienne would be wrong when she said she killed him.

Texas has no doubt about Obama being a muslim.

Well someone probably does—there are people still arguing that Stannis is still alive because we didn't actually see his death on screen. Though they've become fewer and fewer as the season has worn on…

It turned out okay….if you remember that Tywin showed up at the end and saved their asses. That wasn't in the original plan.

If she did she'd have to choose Lancel, right?

Someone's always going down in King's Landing…

Speaking of pointless characters, how is it Rickon hasn't made the board?

She can't help that—I'm pretty sure that's just her resting smirk face.

I bet they're right.

We are SO full of entitlement.