The Bourne Valedictorian

Is there something lower than F?

It's the same exact voice he uses for Book of Mormon too. I think maybe that's just his voice…

Like Gavin ever talks to HR unless he absolutely has to.

I just can't wait to see what Jon does with this information when he finds out: "look everyone, my paralyzed half-brother that everyone thinks is long dead but secretly went north of the wall with some hippies talked to a 1,000-year-old-three-eyed-raven that looks like the dude from Star Wars and has a tree growing

Eh, the problem with that is the same problem with Stannis' death scene—if people don't see it happen on screen then they think maybe it didn't, and there would be all sorts of people saying "the son might still be alive though!". I blame Glenn over on TWD for all this.

"You know who would like this? Men."

You've probably seen pictures of her almost naked, knowing you.

Loki was awesome but on the campy side. Tennant was terrifying.

I was a little sad but mostly okay reading this until that part. Now my room is very dusty all of a sudden.

Oh sure—TWD is famous for it. I think I'm only readily accepting it because it feels like it should be the end of his story. You're right though—a good rule of TV is if you don't see it happen there's a chance it didn't, so who knows?

Well, clearly you feel strongly about it what with all the sighing. I don't know what purpose it would serve at this point for him to be alive, but perhaps you'll be proven right.

His father said they found the body last episode, they just didn't know who killed him.

Rolling Stone gave it away in the title of their article….which was also the title of their e-mail.

His reading about dragons goes all the way back to season 1 doesn't it? With the dragon heads in the basement? Seems like it's come up more than once.

I found out it was a real song thanks to this past season of the X-files (Mulder has a super LSD drug trip that takes him to a country bar where he line dances to this song)—I had to google it to hear the whole thing because, well, Honkytonk Badonkadonk.

Well, stop asking them if it's okay before-hand is the message I'm getting here.

Eh, that's a pretty accurate description of the books too. That's why I'm glad they're thinning the ranks and it feels like the story is finally moving forward.

Oh I don't think he gives a rat's ass about her, but as we've seen previously he's pretty big on not being disrespected…and his future heir being fed to a dog probably would qualify I bet.

Ha—"these are my cousins? Why didn't I think of this?"

People do seem to be glossing over how many useless characters and plotlines there are in the books—especially the last two. I'm all for thinning the herd and getting back to the basics—-although I've been assuming this season that the pace will slow after these first couple of episodes.