The Bourne Valedictorian

"Now what did those dick-leeches say?"

Tommen's about a foot taller as well.

It would be awesome if all the Dorne ladies were to suddenly rush into King's Landing…then immediately be killed by the guards and never mentioned again.


I think he should just shrug whenever anyone asks if he's seen her.

I think the horn and the ships are really the only important details to come from that whole story line anyway—I took it as the producers understanding those things are meaningful to the endgame and had to get them in the show.

I smell a spin-off!

"I'm a Targaryan and so is my wife!"

I thought in the books all she ever saw was someone victorious in the fire, but was never sure who it was (and only assumed it was Stannis) until she met Jon? I had the distinct feeling once she was sure it was Jon she was only playing Stannis to further Jon's ascension.

He was always playing the game for sure, but was so dumb to trust his son when he obviously knew he was crazy.

I don't know…watching Roose get stabbed by his own son with the whole "I really should have seen this coming" look on his face was pretty satisfying.

I genuinely wondered how much the actor that played Balon got paid for the two-minutes he worked this season…

I laughed at both scenes pretty hard, but the look Wun Wun gave the archer was so perfect I think it wins for me.

Eye-roller is my guess. That guy was my favorite.

All doofuses must die. It is known.

Jojen and Meera were in a house aligned with the north—they explain it better in the books, but they were sent to Winterfell as wards early on. Jojen discovers Bran's warg ability while he's there and when Theon sacks Winterfell helps him escape and takes it upon himself to train him. His sister is their protector

For the moment she goes full Daredevil…but with knives.

That old bastard was the first person I thought of too. Frey is going to be pissed. Which is cool. Maybe they'll kill each other.

I don't see how you guys were able to narrow it down to just one—there were at least 3 on this list that I totally agree with. The first Star Wars (when I was 8) was just a religious experience for me—my friends and I saw it in the theater over a dozen times that year. Raiders was much the same way—I'm sure I saw it

The scene where the plane actually crashes in Air Force One is so laughably bad it always drags me out of the movie (which by that point I suppose is fine). It really looks like they forgot to make that part and suddenly remembered the day before release and had some sound guy code it on his home computer real quick.