The Bourne Valedictorian

I thought that exact same thing about Luthor's plot. They seemed determined to shoe-horn so many plots into this movie they couldn't just leave it with what made sense.

I almost wish I had been watching that movie instead. Going straight into an 'Elseworlds' Batman vs Superman would have been confusing as hell but totally cool.

'Oh shit' actually got a pretty big laugh from me. So unexpected, but totally earned.

That conversation most certainly came up during Nolan's movies—especially The Dark Knight. Too dark and grim was a pretty constant criticism….the big difference is they were also better movies than BvS.

Agreed—those three things were the best part (that picture of Wonder Woman from the past was enough to get me excited for her movie). I thought Affleck did an admirable job, and Irons seemed like he would have been a total bad-ass when he was younger

Oh man, now I'm picturing a whole "I call her mommy too!" scene and how hilarious that would have been…

The comic series is bat-shit crazy….in a good way. I doubt it will be everyone's cup of tea, but if they do it right it will be one hell of a show.

That was fun, and mostly accurate. Thanks for the link.

Hahahah—"this movie featuring people that can fly and do other amazing things fighting other people that can do equally amazing things is just too cheery! Don't they know the world is a dark and dreary place, and that having powers like those would actually suck?"

Yeah—SO much difference in the tone of the two trailers. I actually want to see Suicide Squad now (as opposed to, you know, going to see it anyway but not expecting it to be very good).

It's all going to come down to how much money this thing makes. They keep letting Bay direct Transformers movies, and Transformers 2 may genuinely be the worst movie I've ever paid to see in a theater. It's reviews were far worse than this (19% on Rotten Tomatoes), yet they keep letting him make more because it was

I really liked it—I think the review here is accurate. Nice building of suspense, and Goodman is absolutely great. The end gets a little…odd, but overall it fits into the general mythos of Cloverfield (and left me wanting more frankly).

And 10 Cloverfield Lane!

I don't do it, but I enjoy it when others do.

That's the way I felt last night. I felt almost as much shame as if I'd just watched porn (though to be fair porn is generally far more entertaining than this movie was).

It's only unpopular because aside from being incredibly patronizing, it's also very wrong. Glad you liked it though.

There were SO many dream sequences, but yeah—during the one with the futuristic mad max vibe I was thinking "man, I'd watch THIS movie"

Eh—I found this one to be MORE dreary and boring than MoS was—maybe because a lot of it takes place at night? The final battle which should have been awesome was hard to see, hard to follow, and kind of boring.

Down to 30% now…and I haven't even added my review yet!

That's funny-I did the EXACT same thing.