The Bourne Valedictorian

I would never have given it a C-…maybe a D-, but it certainly wasn't worthy of a C-. Not even sure what he's basing that on really. Possibly Affleck and Gadot (also, Jeremy Irons was pretty good) but that's about all I can think of that was slightly redeeming in this turd.

Man that's a great idea—would have made so much more sense for Batman (who apparently believes in the Bush doctrine?) to have been investigating Supes set-up by Luthor, then figure out that Luthor is trying to kill him for the reasons you mention.

It's not even better than the worst Marvel movie (Daredevil? Okay, it's better than Daredevil)—-this movie was terrible in almost every way. Strangely Affleck and Gadot made it slightly better for me as I liked both of them, but everything else was just awful,and even worse most of it was awful in slow-motion.

God forbid superhero movies should be fun.

I didn't like this movie very much at all, but surprisingly my favorite parts were Affleck and Gadot—I thought they were both very good. Just the one still shot from the Wonder Woman cast made me excited to see that (actually wished I was watching that instead of this mess).

While I agree with every point you make (especially the damn slow-motion—so many unnecessary slow-motion shots with super-loud music to accompany) I liked it less than you. I almost fell asleep during the end. It was so much CGI, so dark, and the threat of Doomsday never really felt adequately explained. Overall I

I finally saw this today—My guess on that was that the original Cloverfield monster was an "advance" force.

Yeah—I've been going back and forth trying to decide if I'm just noticing it more because I've read the comics.

It seems kind of obvious that with the foreshadowing this entire season it's going to go down the way it did in the books. Maybe they're toying with us on purpose, but it's been a LOT of foreshadowing.

Yeah-that was pretty distracting. "Why are they talking like hobbits?"

So basically kill everyone you meet, because they will either be idiots or killers themselves and if you don't they'll likely get you killed on way or another.

You know the really weird problem I have with this show? There are no flies. Shouldn't the air be just horrible with them? Living cows can't keep them off—how are the dead doing it?

Yeah I agree, I just think in this day and age it's too hard to hide who you've cast for something (especially in a show like this with all the followers it has) —plus, it's kind of a big name. They announced the casting midway through the first part of the season IIRC.

And they take the whole episode to lead up to the mullet being cut off. Heck, maybe a half-season!

I don't think that claim has ever been made about this show…

Pretty sure they've already announced that's the only episode he'll be in this season.

And this is different from every episode since season two how?

Finally took the kids to see Zootopia this weekend. For a film about life after the coming animal uprising it was surprisingly cute…though I was a little sad to see that the dogs, cats and horses didn't make it through the animapocalypse. Makes sense though. The rebels would have to wipe out all the domesticated

This really was the best episode of the show since sometime in season 2 (not that they've all been bad, they've just been a little TOO mired in politics). It's fun watching everyone else backstab with FU on the sidelines…

Well they seem silly when you type them all out like that. …actually, they seemed pretty silly when they were happening too, now that I think about it.