The Bourne Valedictorian

The Death Star however? Totally doable.

See? There you go making things all complicated.

I'd pay good money to watch them do it too.

Come on man, Dr Luke has to vent somewhere….let him blow his load here and then slink out.

UPDATE: nope

Oh we all know how this works by now—they tease him out and he won't show until the last episode this season…maybe then not until the last ten minutes or so. Gotta start laying the groundwork for next season.

I laughed out loud at that shirt—just so Eugene.

This is a remarkable statement coming from the resurrected body of Spiro Agnew…

You tried your best, and you failed miserably. The lesson is…never try. Is there anything the Simpsons hasn't taught us?

Perhaps you just want a new drug?

You know, it would have been pretty cool if he just never explained it at all I think. Keep most everything the same past all the 'splosions and what-not, then just have it disappear. Not sure how it would have gone over, but it was sure the better answer in the Trucks short-story than it was in Maximum Overdrive.

I don't think they're being dicks either. To me it sounds like they're just disinterested. And also that they may suffer from a mild form of ADHD.

Now that is maybe the perfect example. You could have called Schwarzenegger a franchise back in the day too I think.

They knew what they were getting into! I say let 'em crash!

Really? I loved the book—not sure if I think it's his best or not, but I'd put it in the top five—and I think the series is better than I could have hoped.

He gave her a fake name, but yeah the description of the car and him would have sealed it pretty quick I think.

As an American I've convinced myself you made all those names up and that I don't really know that little about world leaders…

I immediately thought of her playing Bev in IT too! Obviously they can't include the Derry stuff but I thought that was some cool casting—I mean, it HAD to be intentional, right?

Yeah—it definitely had a real "game-of-thrones-holy-shit-did-everyone-really-just-die???" feel to it.

That is really the one thing I expected this show to do—it was a great scene overall, but obviously really appealed to fans of It (and King himself I'm guessing). That part of the story was really enriching for fans of It, but I imagine it seemed like an odd side-road for people that didn't know the characters.