The Bourne Valedictorian

But Charlize was so brave, daring to be ugly like that and at all, which helped to portray an ugly killer.

You weren't already?

Hell—Exorcist III is one on my list of most underrated movies out there. Creepy as all get out.

Is it though? I thought it was both critically well-received and a financial success? I enjoyed it quite a bit (though it was 20 minutes too long) but I don't think it's ever really been underrated. Edge of Tomorrow on the other hand…

I think the first two get viewed through the rose-colored lens of time. There were big flaws with the first two (though I like them a lot)—that were made glaring in the third. I think in Fury Road it's actually the best culmination of everything he tried to do in the first three movies—build a world with very little

Shoot to Kill is an awesome movie.

I know a little German…he's over there!

"My name is Nick….my dad thought of it while he was shaving." So stupidly perfect.

I think this theory is gold. I figure either everyone will come around to my way of thinking and realize what a piece of crap that show is, or it will dwindle away to nothingness like that other terrible Charlie Sheen show did.

Yeah, but how do you not vote for someone named "Qweef?"

Don't even try to understand.

I got dragged to the Hell Freezes Over Tour by my then girlfriend. I genuinely was like "meh, Eagles, who cares?" Had the time of my life. Great show, and I think it was then that I really appreciated just how many songs they had that I know. I've discovered since then that I can pretty much listen to them anytime

They're bound to be better now that they've fired Chip Kelly.

Any movie that can work in the term "thundercunt" as surprisingly and with such perfect comedic timing as Spy is worth my time.

I put it just below UP on Pixar's all time best list. It's an amazingly well-crafted story with both a literal and psychological "losing a child" meaning. It's great because it can be enjoyed on many different levels. Hell, the triplemint gum theme joke alone moved it halfway up the Pixar list…

We're holding you to this.

I was looking for The Big Short as well. It's a pretty amazing movie—I can't remember a movie that made me laugh this much while pissing me off really bad all at the same time…sometimes the same moment even.

It really was a missed opportunity.

I was just joking. I totally see your point. As a counter-point I can say my 9-year-old didn't care one lick about any of that.

The second time I saw it I definitely caught Obi-Wan saying "these are your first steps" (MacGregor that is).