The Bourne Valedictorian

Oh sure, first you don't want complicated political stories, and then you do…and to be fair, Ronan and Thanos were retreads of the Emperor from all the way back in Empire Strikes Back.

That's right—been a while but now that you say that he did seem to imply he understood the tone more than what might have actually been said. C3PO understood him but the whole protocol droid thing I'm sure had something to do with that. I do think Poe understood BB-8—he talks to him when they're reunited at the

I found it a little hard to believe Han had never fired Chewie's bowcaster before…

It would be cool if VIII explores the Dark Side a lot more—I imagine the training as being a bit more badass than floating a bunch of rocks…

It's cool to know that was his voice. I understood much more that was beign said in that sequence the second viewing. Daniel Craig's cameo was fairly hilarious too.

I imagine if that's the case he would have her mind wiped to protect her from the Knights of Ren, who seem to have a beef with the light-side. Well, them and lots of other people who might see some value in Luke Friggin' Skywalker's daughter…

I think episode IV they actually refer to them as tie fighters during the first reveal of the death star, but can't say for sure

No one has actually said that have they? That's just crazy talk.

Yeah—I really enjoyed this movie but that shot is cringe-worthy. I think him removing his hood would have been a fine place to end it.

I thought Luke understood R2? Seemed that way in the Degobah (sp?) scenes in Empire anyway.

Han actually explicitly mentions tracking it in the movie.

"oh, YOU'RE cold?" so funny. Harrison Ford just killed it. Good to see him seem like he wants to be in a movie again…well, you know, up until he died I guess.

"hand to band combat" is a really awesome typo

Saw this the second time today and man, I am so impressed with Driver's performance (and I never liked him much in Girls, so I was worried)—he gives a pretty nuanced performance. His face conveys the emotions his character is struggling with incredibly well.

Speaking of Kylo, holy shit was Adam Driver good. Saw it again today with my sons (9-year-olds may be the target audience here, since he damn near pissed himself with excitement during this) and watched him more closely—a very nuanced performance in a role that could have been ridiculous.

Well they're at least more accurate than sand-people, so they got that going for them.

You'd think at some point the Empire would realize what a bad investment they are.

So maybe someone's mentioned this, but I happened to see it in 3D…and the 3D was pretty amazing. So much depth in so many scenes. The desert looks huge, the pit under the bridge looks like it goes on forever (what's with the lack of rails in the Empire anyway? No OSHA that long ago or what??), and the battles all

It's starting to grow on me as well. I picture him yelling all the words in caps as he's writing his responses.

I'm not nervous about them, but there is a lot to be said for learning things generically as the storyteller meant for you to find out.