The Bourne Valedictorian

You talkin' to me?

Ugly? I assume you mean subject matter? Most of the "look" of his films—particularly since Kill Bill—has just been stunning in terms of cinematography…

I still insist that Anderson directed the short film on SNL when Ed Norton hosted. His style is so fucking distinct that it HAD to be him.

The problem with Sandman is you really have to get a few graphic novels into it to get a feel for the world he's building. The first one is kind of all over the map (though issue…7 I think? The one that takes place in the diner—is horrific and still disturbs me to read).

The novels I understand (I only tried Coraline and found it a chore to get through) but The Sandman comic series is a masterpiece of the genre.

It is the best sequel of all time, and one of the greatest movies ever. At this point the ending has probably been spoiled for you, but it's still stunning and an emotional gut-punch of the highest order.

Haven't seen the 33 version in ages, but wasn't there a character very close to the character Brody ended up being? I mean, pulled the exact stunts and a few of the same lines?

did you Google that with or without quotes? ….I'm asking for a friend.

I've agreed with a lot of the responses here, and I respect your opinion, but I watch Goodfellas at least twice a year. It is a masterpiece.

Are they still on the farm?

Sounds like somebody needs to listen to some Dylan.

I think the problem is too many people look at Facebook like bragging, when really it's just an online scrapbook. I'm on and I use it to post pictures of my kids or give updates on my life for friends and family that I don't see very often. The shitheads that use it as a political sounding board or religious

I don't know—I think The Fighter's story called for that approach, but I'm with you on American Hustle—felt like he was aping Casino the whole time, but in a slower, boring way.

The Rolling Stones wrote some of the greatest opening guitar riffs of all time—Jumpin Jack Flash, Satisfaction, Rocks Off, Brown Sugar, Bitch….good God this list could go on for days.

I'm with you on Mitch, but I have to admit Bill is growing on me—he comes up in the rotation on my Pandora comedy channel sometimes and some of his bits are annoying, and some are pretty insightful.

I get it. It's overblown for sure. But you're missing out on a pretty good show.

I suppose I'm not to that point yet. I certainly won't be shocked to read about his eventual suicide though.

I haven't either, but occasionally one of their more obscure slightly harder tracks will come on the radio and I will find myself cranking it up and remembering how much I enjoyed them at one time. They were good at what they did, especially for the time they did it.

Funny, I always felt that way about Ditko. I didn't even understand his importance in the industry growing up, I'd just happen to get a comic by him and think "ugh, this art is just awful."

It's actually kind of hard to fault him for King Kong—-a bajillion dollar faithful remake from the director of the Lord of the Rings? On paper that sounded way better than it actually turned out…