The Bourne Valedictorian

Ah yes, Terence Malick was my answer too. Mostly disagree with everything else on your list, but yeah, Malick makes my brain hurt.

You mean they both sound like that Tom Petty song to you?

I bet the radio just pisses you off all day long, huh?

Wow—stinks seems pretty strong. Over-rated sure, but stinks? That seems excessive. I don't think it's a bad story by any stretch of the imagination (like, say, my feelings towards "hush"…speaking of over-rated). And of course the art is sublime.

Well, at this point there's a shit ton of comments on this, but I have to mention Terence Malick. I just can't with his movies. I want to, and I feel like there's something to them that I just don't get, but half the time I just sit there wondering what the fuck I'm looking at and the other half I'm bored. I did

That's funny, because it was the first one that really grabbed me. I found Bottle Rocket hilarious, but then he kind of faded a bit on me. Parts of his movies were great, but as a whole I found them lacking UNTIL Darjeeling—that one really felt like the first time his style, the actors, script and setting all fell

Odd they didn't mention the show in his write-up since he really was the stand-out in a pretty stellar cast.

"which Trump news is a subset of, asshole"

Goddammit you just made my favorite crossover movie that doesn't exist happen in my head. It is glorious.

But they're all better than an Erasure album??? This is a trick question isn't it?

What about de-peche com-mode?

That crazy-ass blood bath scene in Blade being set to that thumping remix of Confusion blew my mind the first time I realized that was them.

I always thought Round and Round was both a better dance track and a better (and slightly more typical) New Order song.

Eh, she still just has sex with everyone. Wait, maybe I'm thinking of Debbie Does Dallas…either way, you're probably fine.


There are a few movies that seem to be in a class by themselves for this sort of thing: Monty Python and the Holy Grail has always been the one that I feel like you could be in a random group of people, start quoting the movie and you'd have a decent shot at a pretty good re-enactment right there on the spot…

Goddammit thanks for reminding me that movie existed. It went completely off the rails at the ending. It was no "high tension" but they're on the same list somewhere.

Agreed—the movies and his incessant need to watch them were far and away the creepiest part for me. Like his own little snuff-film treasure trove…

"Is that wrong? Should I not have done that?" finds it's way into my vocabulary too often frankly.

It's got porn!