The Bourne Valedictorian

Are we entirely sure he's not talking about the movie with Steve Martin and the Bee Gees? Because if he is he's DOUBLY WRONG!!!

Yeah—my guess is they would drop HYDRA altogether…or make a joke about it a la the Green Lantern references in the trailer…

Suddenly I won't be satisfied with Deadpool unless there is a Bob cameo…

Yeah—it's been out 2 weeks and has cleared 300 million internationally (without opening in a few places yet)…I'm sure Marvel is very happy with the return on it.

You're thinking of a Trident. ….oh wait, I'm getting confused with the talked-about Anchorman series. He's a superhero, right?

"Fin Fang Foom put you in his pants!!!" …would be my favorite line in the history of television (as it is already my favorite comic line ever), if only it would come to pass.

"…damn near killed 'em!"

Was there any doubt? It's never a good sign when a studio declares no reviews until after the movie's released. NEVER.

Next you'll be telling me some Aussie heartthrob will play the Joker!

If something like that comes along again I'm sure they'll post about it here…maybe 2019 or so?

That one's been talked about for as long as I can remember…and would actually make a pretty kick-ass show I think.

Perhaps you should read the article?

Nothing too loose.

Well my my, they sure do like raisin' hell don't they?

I think the Color of Money would win that one, though now this sounds vaguely like it's been done…

That's a 14-minute long remix of Confusion by New Order, and yes it's catchy as hell.

Agreed—it backfired pretty hard for MI2 (unless you just really love John Woo movies) but it worked well for all of the rest, and has really worked to keep the series feeling fresh.

Actually Renner had to jump down the shaft to do the computer thingie…Ethan had to have that really amazing fight in the parking garage where everything was constantly moving in unpredictable directions.

What an amazing analogy—and so true. Everyone seems to love Sandler (well, until recently I guess) while Cruise's movies can struggle based on his weird personal life. I actually know people that won't see his movies simply because he's in them.

EoT may actually be my favorite Cruise film, though holy hell he's made so many good to great movies it really is difficult to rank them all.