
I was a teenager. I had just been given the job of guitar tech the day before with the band Poison, with whom I lived.

I was in L.A., so the disaster had already happened by the time I woke up...but I remember sitting there changing guitar strings that morning while the TV played the shuttle blowing up over and over...


I was going to say that about Von Trier in general, but I always end up rewatching his stuff.

Whore mouth. Shut it.

That is exactly what I would expect a person who comments on threads a year after they were posted to say.

Happiness springs to mind. It was great, but fuck, I’ll never watch it again.

I’m glad every time I see Dylan Baker in something, because he was amazing in that, but it is amazing he still has a career after fully inhabiting one of the most horrific monsters I have ever seen on screen.

I was so taken aback by how dark and sad it got.”


...but I’ll throw Holiday into the ring as possibly my favorite Grant thing, and fairly unknown.

Somebody really should do a dystopian noirish SF movie where the protagonist wears, like, shorts and crocs and maybe a baseball cap.

...and sweet, sweet trenchcoats.

People in fiction dress way cooler.

Fear introduced some actually likable characters after they killed the original family(spoiler).

...I prefer it now, really . The original cast didn’t have a single person in it that I did not want to see die. 

Hopefull it’ll be more Garth Marenghi than Trapper John.

Ahhh, but what if it is a prequel, where she is a housewife and he is an ignant peckerwood and they never meet?

Is it weird that I can look at a top 20 chart from any year in the seventies and instantly call each song to mind, but for 2000, ostensibly MY era, I blank on all but about 3?

...my tastes were just more underground, I guess, as I knew almost every song posted in the article itself.

So....it seems like sunglasses killed hats maybe? Seems like they were the original “keeps the sun out of your fucking eyes” thing, and hats go out when sunglasses come in.

Wait. The “reveal” that Stormfront was a racist was supposed to be a reveal????

FFS. It’s in the name. It’s like a “reveal” that a character named “Rollingstone” is a rocker.

The only thing that made me think she even *might* not be racist is that he name is SO spot-on that I was like:”Nawww...they wouldn’t be that

I would imagine that having white nationalists as your bitches would be fairly gratifying to a powerful, evil person of color.

I think they should get Pedro Pascal, and he should just be the official fill-in guy for table reads.

The weirdest thing about this movie for me is how Forrest’s stupid short-sides haircut came into fashion, and now looks weirdly contemporary in the scenes where he is in the sixties or seventies.

I’m definitely a Jenny. I just think of this movie as a “Expectation vs reality” meme. You grow up thinking you’re going to be a Forrest, but then life fucks you.