
You heard it first, here at the The/V Club.

Jesus Sam, your rich uncle fuck you or something?

Ugh. The original is beyond perfect and destriys me every time I see it. These people are fine, but maaaan, a remake in not needed.

That IS what’s wrong with it.

...and thus, the A/V club's "Hot takes on Quentin Tarantino" summer continued unabated by self-awareness.

My grandmother was born the same year as Marion Ravenwood, and got married the first time at 16. Nobody batted an eye.

Fuck’s sake. Musk is the reverse of a cult of personality. His value is in what he does, not who he is. If you think “his primary achievement has been amassing wealth”, then you’re either an idiot or being purposely oblique.

Maaaan, this is turning into the biggest: “Will they/won’t they” since Cheers.

Yes. Men. Acting like they are just scratching their suddenly itchy eyes...

This is weird, BUT Diary Of a Madman by Ozzy breaks me. It’s a melancholy song anyway, but it is also the last song on the last album recorded by his brilliant young guitarist Randy Rhoads, who died less than a year later in an airplane crash. Something about the way it ends is just SO final.

I’m a weepy bastard, but here are a few:

Maybe she’s working for strange...isn't it his gig to monitor the earth fir magical anomalies?

I mean Pepper. By her POV Vision dying happened half a decade back, so I can imagine she would have taken her eye off the ball.

Yeah, but in this continuity, HER continuity, visuon has been dead for 5 years.

Harvey Birdman, attorney at law.

0r hulk

An X-Man shows up on a show where a telepathic redhead seems to have had her powers amped all to shit...hmm...is there any force in the X-Men comics that would do sonething like that?

Ian McKellan never turns down a paycheck tho, does he?

The irony of: “. Flashbacks in a show that’s being routinely binge-watched are an outdated device," coming in a review published weeks after everybody binged the show should be lost on no-one.

I'm holding out for the far cuter BABY Stark toaster.