
The number to keep your eye on is excess mortality. It’s being a bit under-reported, probably because it makes laughing boy in the White House look bad, but as of August 3rd, there were over 200,000 more deaths in the US than there are in a regular year.

You can explain away covid by saying that people who die from it

About 5 times as much as regular daily exposure in, say, Dubuque, Idaho.

You are also 3 times more likely to get crabs and/or develop an addiction to methamphetamine.

...I mean, when Lemmy was alive. Those numbers are significantly lower now.

Well, to be fair, the last 25 years or so, the Rainbow has been more of a tourist definition where people go to see the place that USED to be off the hook...every time I have been there lately, it’s just, like, old midwestern rockers who want to sniff the air that Slash and Axl and Vince Neil threw up in.

It felt

It’s going to be the Rainbow. It would be...difficult to investigate the Rainbow.

People go there specifically FOR a sleazy time...I mean, they have a little room above the dance floor that is pretty much specifically FOR doing blow (or whatever) and banging.

Holy fuck.

Something something 2020.

August 13th, 1997. Sucker had to be at least a foot long...solid and glistening like fine brown marble...an aroma that blended forest-floor-after-a-rainshower, cinnamon and just a *hint* of sulphur.

Took two flushes.

Or the ad-lib version of “What’s your favorite bible verse?”

I eventually made it through season 1 by not-really-hating-it-enough-to-quit, but I only made it a few episodes into season 2. Thought it sucked donkey balls.

I think part of it was that season 1 was filled with actors who were known for schlocky genre fare just chewing the place up, (The lead guy! The gal from

Yeah, that was a shocker. Rudy sold out, I guess. 

This is what scares me about the right...if this was a lefty, (my team, I guess), I’d be like:”WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS WOMAN??? THIS IS SOME CREEPY FAUX FASCIST-STYLE ORATORY. ARE WE THE BADDIES?????

...and the right seems to lack that capacity.


Now playing

She kind of seems like what you’d get if you hollowed out Valerie Bertinelli and filled the skin with spiders.

I watched her speech while I accidentally still had another window open with a live feed from Kenosha...it was a surreal combo, Gilfoyle orgasmically yodelling about how great the country is under Trump mixed

I thought the caliban character was best when he was given something energetic, sweeping and operatic to do, like in his “origin” episode, where he is describing his joy at working in Victorian theater. It was just the sort of thing that worked better in loud moments. That last season love story, on the other hand,

I watched most of the new season of Lucifer. It is...like the other seasons.

But frustratingly so. I really kind of hoped the show would open up from the network-TV version, like, jettisoning the redundant-and-annoying crime-of-the-week format and just focus on more of a serialized character drama, or make the

Oh man, now you tell me.

I’ve been cleaning my anus myself forever.

Now playing

This often leads to contrafactum, writing a new set of lyrics to existing music.

The best of which is, of course, this German version of Black Sabbath’s “Paranoid” from 1971, where they replaced the lyrics with something about the hound of the Baskevilles:

The greatest, the best nobel prize anybody has every seen. 

He’s not a great actor, but the boy has 1000 watt charisma. The male lead in this new one just...did not.

...same with Timothy Dalton, Harry Treadaway, Billie Piper, Danny Sapani and Rory Kinnear.

The weak link was Reeve Carney, and he was so darn pretty, it really didn’t matter.

I liked the original, but fucking hated City of Angels.

I wonder how much of the original was just in how great the cast was?

Then again, Dormer, Bishe and Rory Kinnear were really not done any favors in this one...

Who and whom?

Because I am an old white guy who is, in general, alienated by the YOUNGS and 99% of their stuff just doesn’t come close to connecting with me.

I think it’s because her music has melody and harmony that is integrated into what the vocal is doing, (as opposed to the vast majority of hip-hop, for instance, where you