Yeah...this is completely different. It’s more My body, YOUR choice.
You can have as many abortions as you want, and it won’t make anyone around you sick. If you don’t wear a mask, the potential risk you choose is also spread to OTHER PEOPLE by your choice.
Nah, it’s actually pronounced the same.
Are you SURE you are not confusing them with RHCP?
I dunno. I watched it on a plane coming back from England and had to keep fast forwarding because It was so dumb.
I also watched Shazam on that trip, which sucked balls.
...then I watched Dazed and Confused from the “Classics” section(!) so I could remember what a good movie was like.
...then I watched Red Sparrow and…
What? Karloff is dead, Sofia Boutella was a flop, the Rock would be too expensive...
I was not pleasantly surprised by Aquaman.
The problem with Cyborg is that his powers are just super lame. They keep trying to give him a “hook”, but at the end of the day, he’s just a nice guy amputee with some great prosthetics.
Hm...not baaaaad, but what if they made him the :”normal” guy in a team of certified whack-job weirdos, going through some incredibly strange shit while on the way to his intended role in the Justice League?
Maybe he could make friends with...a queer street or something?
Oh, I’m sure there is a story there that will come out at some point. The pacing of the last season in particular was really was slow up until the end where it was just like:”That’s it???”
There were SO many threads that never played out it seemed like they were going for the long game...I mean, the whole…
We really just should switch to using faux Nordic middle names. Nobody would have questioned the heritage of Rob Carlsson Reiner.
He’s obviously not a great actor, but the sort of jaded, underplayed take on Dorian worked well...and he so dang pretty. I just wish they would have fully integrated him into the rest of the cast...between him and The Creature/Caliban/John Clare, it felt like they were building to a Superfriends moment that they never…
Wot, the Japanese Trump?
The whole ensemble of the original just fucking slays this one. The men, in particular, just didn’t have the spark of Timothy Dalton, Reeve Carney. Harry Treadaway and Josh Hartnet...
Natalie Dormer was good, but it was a shitty role, and I mean, FFS in the original you had Eva Green AND Billy Piper just tearing the…
Oh come on...tell me a Ministry of Gender wouldn’t be fun.
IMAGINE the casual Fridays....
I’m not trans, but if I was, I would be worried about people expecting me to live up to Elagabalus .
I mean, that’s a high bar. Who has that sort of energy?
Counterpoint: BATMAN
When I was a kid, our backyard “picnic” table was a big, thick wooden one with matching chairs that we got form the auctioning off of our local Ponderosa.
I mean, have you ever BEEN to a bar?