
Meh. If it was 1933-1938 and you referred to that Superman guy, Clark, with his fortress of solitude, everyone would know who you were talking about, and it wasn’t some alien from Kansas.

You kind of figure that since his dad was down there and he’s...you know...bronze...and his mum is unknown...that...um...

Yah, but that’s kind of nit-picking, like saying Doc didn’t have a cape.

If they didn’t grab the name from Doc Savage, I’ll eat my hat.

...and seriously...do you know about Doc’s arctic fortress of solitude? Dome shaped thing named:”The fortress of solitude”?

It’s like, they didn’t even paraphrase the goddam thing for

Batman was more of a Shadow riff.



Whatever this is:

Meh. I thought the Rock was all wrong for the role. In the stories, they point out SEVERAL times that though Doc is big and muscular, there is a balance to his physique so he doesn’t look musclebound, and there is this effect where nobody realizes how big he is until he gets near them, because he is just sort of

I read over 100 of the books about 5 years ago.I love the Doc and think he is one of the most fascinating of the superheroes.

There is A LOT more to the guy than just being Mr. Perfect. There are indications in the stories that Doc is sort of a benevolent sociopath and KNOWS it, keeping his 5 assistants around to

I liked the brain surgery thing. I think they should keep it because of how WTF? it would seem to modern audiences.

...but it wasn’t just brain surgery, it was also a re-education program (it was called “The Crime College”) meant to turn even the most evil of villains into productive members of society, and they would

As was Superman, down to the name and fucking arctic fortress of solitude.


Just three guys in the back of a van...two of whom had 4 million dollars on them.

...says the dignified star of TURNER AND HOOCH: YUKON.

Lol. If the Foos travelled in van in’95, I’d be surprised. That album had every label in the US bidding for it and was a hit before release.

...if they were in a van, it’s was either because they chose to be, or because you had to take a van from where their private jet landed to the gig.




Thank you. Please tell 10 people and have them each tell 10 people. We could all end up DOZENAIRES.

Now playing

My goddam band put out a new single/video on Friday. I know we are not cool enough to be noticed by the A/V club or anything, but here is the goddam thing:



I’ve said it before, but Saxaphone sucks and is evil.