
Yes...too brash for Europeans.

All I see back here is a riced out Eclipse from the Fast and Furious era...

I don't want it for free, I want it without a commercial break every six minutes. That's unacceptable. And the TUSC isn't free, you can't get it without a cable sub, the primary reason I don't watch their broadcasts. I'm not paying well over $2000 a year to watch 8 races that are cut in half almost by commercial

Ballast Point Habanero Sculpin

Nonsense. The best hot beer so far is Ballast Point's Habanero Sculpin IPA.

(been wanting to use this gif for a while. I actually don't have a problem with him)


The $1,000+ rally light pod and occasional people in reflective vests lining the road are a good start

Ahh...another pun thread...Fragile and Broken.

...and already, the comments are heading in a downward spiral.

...now that's a Pretty Hate Machine if I ever saw one.

A slingshot that launches a Nine Inch Nail?

So glad we agree.

We'll make our own roadster,

that's not the bikers problem.

Now playing

Radar overlay with flashing arrows to indicate passing cars, or GTFO.

I'd be crying like a 41 year old man that had his beer taken away.