I’m just hating on Gas Monkey. I can’t stand the show (well, Aaron was pretty cool), and Rawlings is part of what’s wrong with car shows.
I’m just hating on Gas Monkey. I can’t stand the show (well, Aaron was pretty cool), and Rawlings is part of what’s wrong with car shows.
Why does that grease ball richard rawlings have to put his stupid logo on everything cool.... yuck. Once Aaron left I was done with that show, just could not take anymore wooo’s from that self absorbed loser.
Aside from the 1min teaser, I refuse to watch because the car says Gas Monkey Cinnamon Tequila. That’s just wrong on so many levels.
Fuck the confederate flag and literally everyone who flies it.
Depends; are they Richard Petty Motorsports fans? Because losing is a tradition as well.
Sometimes outside car thermometers are so inaccurate that they feel like random number generators. They’re basically the worst feature of the car, next to the car’s infotainment systems. That’s because [...] they’re actually thermistors.
1st prize is a Corvair. 2nd prize is 2 Corvairs.
Is one of his neighbors Ralph Nader?
He gets knocked down,
David...you know there’s no way in hell this truck was going 25-30 mph in first. Most will not even touch 10 mph in first (lucky to hit 5). If he was going 25-30 and this was a 6 sp he was in 2nd or 3rd. If it’s a 10, then maybe he was 4th but most likely 5th (most 10 speeds have very close ratios until you get to…
a light bulb went off
Drive in reverse
“...and THAT, boys and girls, is how a Fiero is born.”
I want to see the rest of the video, where the straps break under the strain and we have some serious ute-humping happening.
I have a ‘99 NB with the 5-speed and agree. The curvier body is great and the price was right.
the update won’t be equipped with the same safety features that older vehicles have, like automatic emergency breaking.
There’s not question that Bernie is a world class douche, but he is mighty entertaining. They have to keep him on in some capacity — even if it is just to say mean things and s**t on everything and everyone decent. It seems like F1 would be out of balance without at least that. He could be the Bad-Will Ambassador,…
Hooray for lack of personal responsibility!
Depends if you drive a 90s Explorer or not...