The Grim Squeaker

2017 and white people are still mystified by sampling, lol what a time to be alive

Earnest ... tossed off fiery, radical lines like “I don’t agree with [Sean Spicer] ... but I’m rooting for his success.

Don’t worry about it. Its just the white house staff getting their memories fixed to be more in line with whatever todays top excuses are

The only thing I have to add to this discussion is:

Is this like a new cult among professional basketball players?

“There’s a tendency to blame your genes for heart problems and what this study shows us is that you can’t blame your parents, just your lifestyle.”

Can we all applaud and celebrate that he used landscape mode?

So you’re not from the US.

This is what happens when you focus too much on RPI and not enough on the sniff test.

So coal is more expensive than natural gas, and now wind and utility-scale photovoltaic solar. It kills miners. It leaves toxic ash behind. It needs lots of scarce water. It damages lungs. It destroys forests with acid rain. It ruins landscapes. It’s hard to cycle up and down in response to demand. Oh, and it

He can’t even eat a $60 steak properly!

Fixed it for you.

Bob the intern was parking the TIE fighter, and accidentally flew into the shot.

It’s fucking toast! It doesn’t need its own app.

I presume you are referring to the controversial choice to not give this guy about an hour more screen time:

Definitely too fast for conditions, as they were....thing is, in weather like what we are seeing, conditions go from just wet and driveable to ice-glazed and impossible to stop or steer literally in moments...I was on the way home from work last night and it was like that here. We were actually in the high 30's and

Studied Astronautical and aeronautical in school, then got hoodwinked into system’s engineering for a few years, now I’m relearning and working in Aerospace engineering. It's a dream job, but dusting off some of my textbooks isn't easy.

He could always study engineering.