The Grim Squeaker

You’d have to stop the airplanes that bring most of them here of course. So those walls need to be a few thousand feet higher.

The silicon valley equivalent of shooting paper towels into the crowd.

Clearly, a regime change is needed. The cult-leading, nuclear war-hungry, authoritarian madman has to go.

Now playing

Yay! This is a core part of my 1970s childhood - from the terrific little Century 21 sting at the start, to the toe-tapping end tune and the voice of the Mysterons themselves - that was truly terrifying to a small kid:

They should also take away your achievements and give them to a player with a white character who didn’t earn them.

Is it possible this girl called him a fucking idiot for referring to her as a “young man” and not anything to do with it being infowars?

Would’ve been funnier if the conversation with the pearl-clutching beat “reporter” didn’t go like this:

One of the more interesting things about this story is one you only touched on. KHOU’s station was flooding and the staff had to move upstairs to continue broadcasting. However, the entire station soon lost the ability to send anything out to the transmitter and the station told Brandi that “she was it, you’re all we

I don’t want Kelly to fix it. I want the shitshow gone. All of it.

How great is it that ACT allows ‘people’ to register for their events via Facebook?Makes it WAY easier for their employers to figure out who to fire on Monday morning.

Fucking moron.

The Globo-Corpo-Homo-Judeo establishment. Honestly that sounds fantastic. I want in. I’m going to start using that for positive things.

I’ll just say it first....ASGARDIANS OF THE GALAXY!

Fuck off, dude. Maybe if Democrats actually TALKED ABOUT the issues, instead of screeching about Trump and Russia and Bernie Bros and sexism at every fucking opportunity, maybe if they stopped being shitty little Republican-wannabe children and actually went back to what they used to be about, labor, wages, equality,

A human being died in a bizarre accident. Have a modicum of respect.

I don’t know that this article establishes clearly:

“it’s cool to hate America these days”

“And how about Batman? Why isn’t he wearing red, white and blue body armor and have an American flag as a cape? Plus, you never, ever hear him singing the praises of American values or reciting the Pledge of Allegance! Damn Hollywood liberals and their American hating liberalism!”

I am surprised they didn’t complain about them pushing liberal agenda of Native American guy saying white people stole their freedom. Maybe that would have required watching the movie.