The Grim Squeaker

When it’s dark or you have to use your windshield wipers, TURN ON YOUR HEADLIGHTS. I mean really turn them on, not the daytime running lights or the half-assed setting. That’s the #1 thing I see around here.

Also, generally just don’t drive like it’s a competition. Flow with the traffic. Don’t be a dick just to get to

the duo projected themselves on the surface of the moon

When I saw the trailer, I was just “oh, a cute new alien thing that has a cameo screaming into the void.” A very Star Wars moment.

Oh yeah. All those profits made by Rainbow Symphony manufacturing thousands of glasses for public libraries to give away for free... all those profits from cities giving eclipse glasses to homeless people... filthy capitalists, what are they hiding?

I’m not a fan. It just doesn’t get as close as literally every other thing I have tried.

I’m not a fan. It just doesn’t get as close as literally every other thing I have tried.

We tried that. We got a nasty letter from the city.

We already have two dog poop dispensers... oh, I see.

We already have two dog poop dispensers... oh, I see.

I still demand to know how Dr. Loki Skylizard lost.

It’s probably a lobbying group for pesticide manufacturers more than for actual farmers.

One estimate I’ve seen — no idea how accurate it is, since it’s from the defense industry itself — is that cutting $1T from the defense budget means 360,000 jobs. Also, no idea how many of those are actually *American* jobs, because BDS (Boeing Defense, Space & Security) has about half its jobs overseas. Let’s

We had similar conditions in the Midwest. I was driving to an appointment Friday night and wondering why everyone was so freaking *timid* because the weather just didn’t seem that bad. No traction problems at all (probably because everyone was moving so slowly) and okay visibility. But then my first step in the

Wow, the intent/attitude people have ascribed to my comment is pretty amazing.

I installed Ghostery after seeing a recommendation elsewhere. Given that it is very up-front about what it reports AND you have to opt in to let it do so, I doubt it deserves this much bile.

Perhaps amusingly, Ghostery is blocking 14 trackers on this page, which is much higher than average.

This has only been around a million times, but still relevant:

This is happening now because I replaced my hard drive with an SSD. It’s like how gas prices always fall after you fill up.

Computer science? No.

Software development? yes.

Technology got us into this mess and a mix of technology and politics is what’s going to get us out.

The 30% off “any single book” deal also works on boxed sets. My copy of the Mistborn Trilogy just arrived on my doorstep. :D

The 30% off “any single book” deal also works on boxed sets. My copy of the Mistborn Trilogy just arrived on my

I would prefer to use a wheel, but I don’t have the desk space for it— it’s covered in music gear. :D

I just tried using the left touchpad for steering in Dirt Rally, and it was a pretty abysmal experience. It just didn’t work for me at all. I didn’t have any confidence or precision with it. But with thousands of hours

I know, but I greatly prefer the feel of the stick. Better feedback.