The terrorists have won. :/
The terrorists have won. :/
I did the same. I wound up nuking most of my old characters and starting over from level 1, and things made a bit more sense.
As a former game developer, this is all spot on.
I won’t go into details, other than to mutter something about “19-hour shifts” and “vacation canelled while I was on it” and “half the salary I could have had outside the game industry” and “literal screaming matches.”
About 2.5 years ago I switched industries and found…
Just bought a 14” Lucid mattress (part memory foam, part high-density support foam) from Amazon a couple of weeks ago and the whole experience was pretty great. Including the reduction in back pain!
Why not a not-clicky mechanical keyboard? Cherry MX Browns have a tactile bump but no click, and feel great.
It’s a Prius C! A good buy for commuters, since they’re significantly cheaper than the regular Prius and get slightly better city mileage (at the expense of slightly lower but still excellent highway mileage) And this one must be a 2015 or a custom paint job, ‘cause the 2014 model didn’t have as wide a range of…
Conversely: we used to rent a two-bedroom apartment where we had to store boxes in the living room. $800/month.
We now live in a 3-bedroom, 2-bath apartment with a huge kitchen, walk-in closets, basement and other storage space, garage, a good sized yard for the dogs as well as an oversized patio and a small deck.…
I <3 my Prius, even though my last car was a “proper” stick-shift.
Yup, was going to say the same.
Any micro-quadcopter that doesn’t stabilize when you’re not touching the controls is not really a good choice for beginners, other than the fact it’s so cheap it doesn’t matter how many times it slams into a wall (and it will).
It’s like aquariums — contrary to what people might expect,…
Yup, was going to say the same.
Any micro-quadcopter that doesn’t stabilize when you’re not touching the controls is…
That makes a lot of sense actually.
Diphenhydramine is weird. When I take Benadryl, I don’t generally get drowsiness as a side effect. Yet when take Advil PM, which is just ibuprofen + diphenhydramine, it puts me down. It actually frightened me how quickly I fell asleep after taking it the first time.
Maybe some placebo effect going on there. Or maybe…
I want one. Though I still think the Ariel Atom is still my first pick for post-lottery-win wheeled toy.
You must not have seen all the episodes. I’m not saying any more because I’m avoiding spoilers :P
This probably brands me as a heretic, but I played the demo when it came out for Vita and just wasn’t thrilled by it.
There actually is an Uncle Grandpa crossover episode in the second season, and I’m just glad I didn’t see that one first. Ugh.
I kinda liked Together Breakfast, but I think you have to start getting into the show before seeing that one though.
So many good songs in this show.
That didn’t make any sense, but if you watch the show, there is definitely at least one nonbinary character as well as the genderless ones.
This is timely. I have a cheap knockoff XBox 360 controller for my PC, and the grippy rubber stuff on the left thumbstick has been crumbling away (and probably getting into the insides of the stick). Turns out there are several brands of grips that can just be stretched over an existing stick, which I wouldn’t have…
Rocket League.
I still probably won’t be any damn good at it after another month, but I will have a few awesome lucky streaks between all the completely embarrassing times when I miss the ball completely, and the beautiful shots on the wrong goal.
I started a replay of Shadowrun Hong Kong but I’m not sure I’m going to…
I’ve been uploading some very clean, low-weight, palletized PNGs (of Pebble watchfaces among other things) and Facebook decides they’re photos, converts them to JPG, compresses the snot out of them and makes them look like poop while *increasing the file size*. Thanks, Obama.