The Grim Squeaker

Too bad there were no Protoss Zealots to say “My Wife For Hire!”

The real question is: where’s this guy??

i’m exaggerating a bit but, for me, that ‘process’ looked a bit like this!

What is this? A room for ants?!

I completely disagree with your assessment of Widowmaker.

Vasquez Way? THIS is the Vasquez Way:

Wow, this sounds fucking terrible. The future sucks.

Spoken as someone who loves cats, this is ridiculous. Cats ambush each other all the time out of playfulness, and their standard ‘holy shit’-response is to leap into the air. Hell, when my oldest cat was young he was lonely, so I sometimes hid behind corners just to play with him. Today he is the safest, most

Please...Vietnam has never fielded a competitive team in the super bowl.

Gorilla tactics.

To be distracted by a large banana?

but he did (seemingly) inspire Flava Flav....

How not to watch: Live in a place that’s going to get hammered by severe thunderstorms all night and into the morning. Sigh.

Is that 90% of the total volume or 90% of the non-void volume? That is a big difference. I was somewhat using my population number to mean either sentients or droids, which based on what I’ve seen of the Star Wars universe, is a mainly bigoted distinction. From what I’ve seen of Star Wars, automation largely means

Perhaps unknowable. Did the guy who first realized you could concentrate and confine a beam of light, suspect that we’d one day use it to entertain cats?

If you’re going to spend $350 on Parrot Zik 2.0 or - God forbid - $300 on Bose QC25, just spend a little more and get a pair of Oppo PM-3’s. Stylish, great build quality, easy to drive with portable devices, incredible isolation and far better sound than either of the cans listed in this article. I’m curious why

This looks just like the one they have in the Whoville Community Band.

Yeah, the 342,953 crew members is absurdly low, but even if you add in 700,000 other personnel it is still ridiculously low. The Death Star has 220,781 cubic miles of volume (the second one, which is bigger, but I’m too lazy to calculate the volume on the first one) and even if we presume 70% of that volume is either

Tyler has, across the board, done an excellent, non-partisan critique of defense-related issues, and ONLY defense-related issues, after each debate so far. I don’t know why you’re so hell-bent on trying to bait him, but you did it on the Republican analysis last week, and now you’re doing it here. Why don’t you knock

Moved past that? Too many people are upset that Finn is black.