The Grim Squeaker

And that’s the difference between Science-Fiction, and Fantasy.

The eyes are so sad and pathetic on the building, they should have switched them. looks more aggressive and alive the other way. It really wouldnt have made much of a structural difference.

I’d expect Nickelodeon to build a building “Slime Time Live” green; not a news network.

What’s more dangerous is that this passenger WAS USING AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE DURING TAKE OFF!!!!!

Will it win?

It’s a perfectly convenient unit for those who love multiplying by fourteen.

10. Star Wars - Luke says “Carrie” to Princess Leia
9. Guardians of the Galaxy - Chris Pratt wasn’t supposed to drop the orb when giving to the Collector. He did.
8. Lemony Snicket’s - Jim Carey asking to do his line again was an actual request, not part of the script.
7. North by Northwest - Policeman has no idea of how

Ditto. Seriously *not* interested in clickbait with nothing but a video attached.

Fix the humans not the car.

I think the problem here is that Scotland has precious few crocodiles and zebras. Let me try to re-work the problem...

Stevonnie figure or bust!

Sorry Internet, not allowing my discussion to get sidetracked by endless, cliched jokes. And if any more appear in my thread I’ll just dismiss.

Why? And don’t say “Because tradition” - It’s a tired argument, and while I see the value of tradition in some cases, it doesn’t hold water on its own.

The pernicious force responsible for the astronomical rise in drug prices is also responsible for the housing crisis, the off-shoring of jobs, and the failure of wages to keep up with the cost of living: unbridled greed. As long as profit maximization is considered to be the primary objective of our so-called leaders,

After watching this video I got a call informing me that I have seven days left to live.

While I certainly support the idea of getting more gaming materials out to those who may not have the funds to drop on a gaming book for a game they may never play, the biggest issue is that gaming books really aren’t good reads. While there are a handful that contain lore and just lore, for the most part D&D books

with a surprising origin story for one of the characters.