The Grim Squeaker

Why I’m anti smoking: I hate being around people who stink and don’t realize it, whose proximity will also make me stink and will trigger allergies, and who leave nasty residue on everything they touch. If I can identify your brand of cigs by stepping into an elevator 5 minutes after you’ve left it, there’s a problem.


Vital testing apparatus destroyed.

I bought one of the other sets of Amazon earbuds and was completely underwhelmed at both the sound and the comfort (and I normally like earbuds).

The Bluetooth earbuds with the obnoxious neon green/yellow cables that sell under many different brand names (Soundpeats, QCY, etc.) are so much better.

I bought one of the other sets of Amazon earbuds and was completely underwhelmed at both the sound and the comfort

Skylake? More like Skynet, amirite?

Counterpoint: mice, house centipedes, spiders, fruit flies, and extreme heat, all of which we’ve occasionally/regularly (depending) had in our kitchen, can’t get into the fridge.

I agree with the teenage girls. Voice chat is not worth it.

I used to play a lot of TF2. For every instance when there was useful tactical information being shared, there were twenty instances of mic spam, whining, and homophobic/racist/etc. BS. And every single time I heard women speaking on voice chat — which wasn’t

I had the original Fire and now a Fire HD6. The HD6 definitely chews through battery much faster and doesn’t keep up its charge as long when not actively used. I still prefer it though for its speed and light weight.

I had the original Fire and now a Fire HD6. The HD6 definitely chews through battery much faster and doesn’t keep up

I’m just glad this guy seems so friendly and joyful. That tells me he’s probably not a supervillain or psycho killer. Probably.

This. If someone broke into our house and took just the TV and left anything else intact, I don’t know how long it would take me to notice. And while I technically have a radio, I think that device was last turned on in 2011, and that was to play a CD for a Carribean-themed party.

For me it’s computer > tablet > books

Human male: 5’9” (US average)
Shark: 20’ (3.478x human)
Goodyear Blimp: 192’ long (9.6x shark)

The shark is about 3.5 times the length of the human.
The blimp is about 9.6 times the length of the shark.

A $10 prybar can also open your car door. Or a free rock, if they’re not worried about causing damage.

I remember when checking my email meant dialing up GEnie and typing “MAIL”


I actually missed that there’s a new intensity level called “Blinding” and had left it on “High.” So, maybe? (I did notice the backlight timeout can be changed from the original 3 seconds to 5 or 8, which is good.)

I like my Pebble Time, but yeah, the screen. I find it pretty great in sunlight though, and using the backlight in total darkness. It’s indoors in typical dim-to-moderate light — where I spend most of my time — that the colors wash out and it gets more difficult to read and the backlight just does not help.

I found The Three-Body Problem interestingly different from my usual reads, but annoyingly implausible. Not just the science but the mind of a scientist — I would expect most physicists to get excited and go into overdrive, not decide that science is pointless, if they started getting completely counterintuitive

Ouch. I have Playstation Plus for my Vita, but no PS4... I was planning to pick up Rocket League for PC.

Ouch. I have Playstation Plus for my Vita, but no PS4... I was planning to pick up Rocket League for PC.

Nokia 3310.

Bump that up to around 250 fps like an airsoft gun and we’ll talk.

I remember being confused as a kid by TV commercials about The Wizard of Oz IN COLOR! because it was still black and white... on our black and white TV. That was the same TV I hooked up my Commodore 64 to 10 years later. I think I had a point here but I’ve forgotten it and need to take a nap. :P