The Grim Squeaker

Inbox is my everyday email setup, but I still have to use GMail for some things (like reporting as spam).

Ermagherd! Horshers!

“They are all politicians trying to rake in that mad climate change money.”

They’re in the wrong field then. They should be in medical research.

A WSJ author who thought ClimateGate was a real thing wrote that the budget for climate science wrote in 2009 that the House spent $1.3 billion on NASA, $400 million on NOAA

I’d recommend buying directly from Pebble. I had pre-ordered the Time from Best Buy. The day it was supposed to ship, I got an email saying it would be delayed an extra 4 weeks, and could cancel my order if I wanted to. The website said my order was shipping in two days and couldn’t be canceled. Someone ordering from

I’ve been getting 5+ days on my Pebble Time (I haven’t let it run out to be sure). In fact, Battery+ right now is estimating a life of 8.4 days.

Were you running watchfaces that constantly animate or something?

I leave my phone downstairs at night anyway. I have an asshole cat who’d be happy to knock the phone off the charging pad, the charging pad off the dresser, unplug the charger, and move all of them under the bed if I’m lucky, or his water dish or litter box if not. We keep him in the master bedroom for damage control.

“more slower” = thanks, lack of editing after posting in Kinja.

Inductive charging produces waste heat and charges more slowly than plugging in a cable.

I have a Qi charger for my car, and one for my desk. The car one is handy because it means I don’t have to fumble for cables — but on long trips, it charges more slower than GPS and bluetooth audio consume power. The desk one is

Yours aren’t all the same length? Weird.

Came here looking for it, was not disappointed.

That’s okay, Belobog was invented by (bad) folklorists who assumed that where there’s a dark god there must be a light one... even though Slavs don’t have that sort of cosmic duality thing going on. Czernobog is historically a part of Slavic lore, Belobog is not. (Even if that made a good plot device in a certain Neil

Yes, they do. Oddly, they double as volume buttons — long press for volume, short for next/previous track.

I’ll agree with everyone else here, these sound amazingly great for the price even if they weren’t wireless. Comfortable too.

(Mine are branded as QCY QY7; I have a second no-name pair that, based on the inferior

Yes, they do. Oddly, they double as volume buttons — long press for volume, short for next/previous track.

I’ll agree


“Oh, don’t mind the vomit on your carpet. Feeling sick is all in my mind, so that doesn’t really exist. Anyway, it’s been fun! Except in my mind, where it was terrible.”

The weather this morning in St. Louis is perfect as far as I’m concerned. It’s 62, overcast, and breezy. (It’s also FINALLY not raining, and it’s not 95 and muggy like it will be this weekend. But seriously I do love this kind of weather.)

Ah, driving in Florida, where the “fast” lane ranges from 35-45 MPH and the “slow” lane ranges from 40-110 MPH.

This needs to be an app for whatever replaces Google Glass. And it should kick in intermittently, totally at random.

For proper RR style he should either be trying to choke the wearer, or using the wearer’s shoulder to steady a ridiculously large gun.

I have the CHOE one from Amazon. I don’t know if it’s wide enough for the Nexus 6; I have a Nexus 5.