
Years ago, an A.V. Club reviewer at TIFF mocked Pizza Pizza as tasting like cardboard, and having grown up eating their $2.75 deluxe slice, I was not so much offended as thinking what a dummy they were. Having lived abroad, and revisiting Pizza Pizza again, I get where they’re coming from. That crust is pretty

I’ve lived in Japan for 15 years. Besides the lust for guns, or the thing where you elected the worst possible guy to the highest position, the shit you do with packages in America is one of the most baffling.

This story is nauseating and these dudes need to be behind bars

As a chinless white guy, who’s totally on the side of getting the right wing out, this sort of post just hurts. Gorka, Miller, and the other shit-bag Miller, are fuck heads without their genetic weaknesses.  Can’t we hate on people for who they choose to be, and not for who they were born as?

Take this with a grain of salt, I’m definitely not in the C group, but when I see white women like this: thin, weak chin, sharp nose; I think of a bird. Not the UK slang for chick, but a bird with a beak. It’s super-unattractive. It’s not about the skin, it’s about the features which non-whites don’t have.

I’m not the guy to write it, but a great story could be told of life on the plantation in 1800 America as it was, but simply race reverse whites and blacks (even use an existing story of the era as inspiration). I’m not the guy to write it, but a great story could be told in 1800 America as it was, but simply race

Power to you brother

Having read this thread, The-Colonel = boorish hyperbole

“Motherhood and childbirth are far from a universal experience“

I’m sure the actions of conservative groups makes a big difference, but some of this has to simply be how ‘out’ LGBTQ people have become. I’m in my 40s, and in my 20s, there was liberal support of these people, but it tended to be in representation, not so much in reality. Gay in a movie or TV show? Great! In the

There’s something really pathetic about this. Vertigo wasn’t merely a mature readers line. It was a non-superhero line. Now it’ll be lumped in with the line that had Batman’s dick. I get that suits think ‘adult’ means tits and blood, but it was a treat having Vertigo the years that we did, not confusing mature

Toronto has an America problem.  Those guns are coming from somewhere, and it’s not the Arctic Circle.  Of course not a single person in Toronto is happy about any gun violence.

You obviously aren’t one of the good ones then

You were gonna totally stop racism, but then some black people called white people Beckys and Chads, so now you’re totally fine with it.  You’re awesomely positive!  Way to set an example 

I thought the ending was great. Spoiler for it:

We lie down together and I keep my finger on the panels as we go. Hopefully it’ll be a positive memory ingrained in her when she’s older.

Have you tried reading to them before bed (depending on their ages)? I started my (then) seven-year-old daughter with Adventure Time, My Little Pony, Powerpuff Girls and Bone, eventually moving up to Ultimate Spider-Man (which has some already outdated attitudes in the early goings, unfortunately). She’s now ten. We’r

Why do all these representatives and PR get off feigning shock and disgust? I’m sure every single one grew up hearing that talk thrown around. Can’t they at the very least frame their ‘disgust’ in a more honest way? “There was a time in American culture when this sort of talk was, if not acceptable, then relatively

This was the part that stood out. One of the saddest transitions of American politics was when politicians stopped trying to be better than the populace and instead pretended they were part of them. I peg it to George Bush Jr, but an argument can be made to Clinton.