With Snyder, I feel like there’s an endless amount of freudenschade. He’s not an incompetent filmmaker. He’s an incredibly competent filmmaker whose vision is garbage.
I got to the Donnie Darko ending, and was satisfied, then it sent me back to the Netflix ending, and I shrugged. Then it sent me to the jail ending, and I wasn’t impressed.
The first three tracks of Screamadelica by Primal Scream. Arguably, the first seven tracks make the finest half of an album ever.
I love the weekly Clapback. It’s an opportunity to listen and learn.
So many thoughts!
You’re an idiot, very low comprehension skills. Likely a Trump voter. You’re the type of stupid he feeds on. What’s it like being a living pawn?
It should always be noted when Trump is credited with a respectful tweet, he didn’t write it. Not a single spelling mistake, random capitalization, nor self-congratulation to be found.
That statement was so off-mark I had to log into stupid Kinja to upvote someone calling it out.
As a white person seeing that scene describing what the Indians would do, I thought about Japan in World War II. When Americans were landing in Okinawa, the soldiers told the local villagers a variation on that and there were mass suicides. The truth is that the American soldiers did very little raping, in a…
While the studio blamed FF on Trank, and Trank blamed the studio, I remember some of the actors sticking up for him after the release. I can’t recall any actors blaming him for its many faults.
It’s gotta be said: Secret Wars was not an alternate universe, it was a planet built by the Beyonder from patches of other planets.
As a white dude, the topic of white privilege always pains me... because I lived it and A) I wish all people had such charmed lives, and B) there is a guilt that I’m doing fine with such a lazy attitude while others worked so hard and have little to show for it.
This is Fall of Rome level garbage. Trump’s election was a symptom, this nomination is an amputation. America might recover, fingers crossed, but this current process clearly shows how broken the system is, with no desire to fix itself.
I went into this with zero expectations. I meh’ed X-Men, grudgingly loved Spider-Man 1 & 2 (they have problems, but did so much right!). But I was not even aware they were rebooting Batman till this was released. I thought this was incredible when I saw it, I especially liked Cilian Murphy’s Scarecrow, who I…
“fuckshit” I like the Root for many reasons, but new kinds of cursing is the guilty pleasure one.
Just for the record, in Japan, that gesture means “money”, especially among those without. Kind of like how how rubbing your thumb on your index and middle finger does in the West. It has nothing to do with the trolling this lady was doing, but the more you know...
I give him a pass because he has such a long history with Hardwick. I listened to Nerdust ten years back. I moved on a long time ago for many reasons, probably #1 was WTF was fulfilling the same role in my podcasts. Anyway, there was an episode where Hardwick was talking about Wheaton, and they were roommates (I…
Well, points to Rubio for making a possibly unintended pun by calling Gosling’s statements about the moon landing “lunacy”. Does Rubio have the playfulness to manage word-play?
I like your ideas here, but I think half of the reason these superhero movies (comics are much more tha superheroes, for the record) is simply that they can be well made today. If CGI had been well-developed two decades earlier, I think Marvel style movies would have been popular decades earlier. Superhero comics are…