
Trans men are female-bodied, not male-bodied.

Thanks for pushing back on the leftist denial of physical, biological, sexual reality.

Yeah, well, you choose your weariness. Women don’t.

It would have to be men whining about people with vaginas in their bathrooms, and since they have no reason to fear violence from female people, of course trans men are “ignored” on this note.

And why should women think cutting off a dick entitles anyone to call himself a woman? No woman ever had to cut one off.

It is the EXPECTATION that girls will give birth that makes us female, whether or not we fulfill it. No person born with testicles is ever expected to give birth.

How about having a kid who doesn’t have their body mutilated in the pursuit of something they can never have?

Why? Heterosexuality is about the sex of the parties involved, not gender.

No radical feminist is “excluding” bisexual women, female whores, or anyone else who isn’t male. Radical feminists do often point out that bisexual women are, for most intents and purposes (ie, in the real world, not in their heads), straight, since they often (usually) are in heterosexual relationships.

Male people who “transition” after puberty never develop enough penile tissue to invert into a sex hole.

What’s truly sick is sweeping people born with intersex conditions into this fight when radical feminists have not. Intersex people are neither male nor female. Radical feminists are simply saying that male people aren’t female.

What about those people? They have nothing to do with the vast majority of male transgenders, who are born with fully functioning male reproductive systems and all the testosterone that goes with it.

Why? Heterosexuality has to do with the sex of the parties involved. Not their gender.

I can tell that’s a woman who got a mastectomy.

It is the EXPECTATION that girls will give birth that makes us female, whether or not we fulfill it. No person born with testicles is ever expected to give birth. I don’t know why transactivists make this so difficult when it’s so simple.

Males who “transition” before puberty never develop enough penile tissue to invert into a sex hole. 

The ask itself is lesbian-hating and coercive since lesbians don’t want penises.

Trans men, being female, never learned any of the patriarchal behaviors proscribed to male people from birth. Not sure why you are trying to shoehorn them into this discussion.

Male people who transition before they reach puberty never develop enough penile tissue to invert into a sex hole.

Why? A relationship involving people of different SEXES is a heterosexual one. Maybe they should call themselves homogendered relationships instead.