
How serendipitous... Bernie and his history of voting against the Brady Bill 5 times, voting against funding the CDC study of gun violence, and voting to protect gun manufacturers from lawsuits is going to miss the forum devoted to gun violence...

If a people are looking at electability than Sanders has just bottomed out. You think the right is just gonna sit back and not attack him on this relentlessly than you forgot 2016. They’ll make sure any fence sitter and moderate dwells on the fact that they may not see Sanders through his four year term if they elect

Bernie is not even a Democrat, he should go and recuperate in his mansion with all the white people in Vermont.

“Huge corrupt organization” Bernie speak. Both you and he and your cult can go fuck yourselves. He is a fucking phony & yes so are his cult. He wanted Barack primaried and I & others haven’t forgotten or forgiven. I must’ve missed when I wished death on him. Oh and as for making shit worse I suggest you and the rest

Should he bow out? Yes.

Karma comes in many forms. I can remember when Hillary had Pneumonia and attended a service & didn’t look well & The Bernie Bros showed no mercy. I would take the high road but St. Bernie and his Bros have never done this so why should I or any of his critics. Note to Bernie you don’t have less stressful moments

No one is pushing transfolk in the street this is disingenuous hyperbole .

Ben can be as dumb as a bunch of rocks ( yes despite his medical degree) but lets not pretend “ that never happens”.

I’d like someone to verify the story about his father. 

In the latest episode of Red Table Talk, Jada Pinkett Smith, alongside her mother, Adrienne Banfield Norris, hosted former Sex and the City star Kristin Davis for a probing, earnest talk about the complications of transracial adoption.

If only Sisqo had summoned up the courage to reveal that it was HIS thong the whole time...

Again, I have to reiterate that America’s racism isn’t primarily old people.

Your first link is to an abstract for a study that says that OC may, in fact, improve cognitive processes in women, such as verbal memory—but the results are inconclusive. The second article seems intent on creating all kinds of fear, uncertainty, and doubt regarding neuroplasticity in women on OC while admitting that

I fail to see how denying classification by gender is denying these people access to government programs and thereby preventing these starving people from obtaining a meal or a bed at a shelter anymore than a sox fan is denied access.

Wow. Talk about privileged “white” feminism: most women & girls exploited in the sex trade are poor, Black, and Indigenous. It’s so “great” to see economically privileged women - who will NEVER have to choose between feeding their kids and going down a smelly stranger - defending the “work” of being used like a public

Paying someone for sex isn’t “human connection.”  They wouldn’t even know you existed if you didn’t call them up and hire them.  They will not care you exist two weeks from now.  Most people in her situation would call Mom on the phone or get together with friends and cry it out.  She has a problem--and so do you,

It’ll stop being shameful when sex stops being so important. If paying and getting paid for sex isn’t a big deal, Harvey Weinstein wasn’t doing anything wrong: sex was just another part of the deals made between a movie producer and the women who wanted to be stars. Larry Nassar was just massaging those gymnasts. Rape

Shame on you. The people you’re painting with that slur were around then; it’s just that the patriarchy had yet to figure out how to infiltrate feminism and turn women against each other. You have no fucking idea how much you owe to those women.

Gross. Revolting. The almighty penis always front & center, a banner of aggression, anger, discord and lack of compassion. I am a hetero woman of the plainest variety. I have no dog in this fight other than rejecting such attacks on lesbian individuals, regardless of their personal beliefs, with all my being. As long

Apparently lesbians who don’t want to sleep with people who have penises (because they’re lesbians, go figure) will not only not be allowed at Pride but will be punched and/or threatened with lynching: