Steven Q. Stanley

While overall a good idea there are some problematic things about this. Many, I would say most, ads show people who are well off, ridiculously so. Most white people have no POC for friends, so when all they see is black people on TV doing great, living in a big house, buying a new car, etc, it is telling white pople

Comments in this thread: “I am not racist, but this black man needs to vote for who I say he should vote for.”

Translation: Vote for the white person I tell you too dammit!!

Many of those speaking out against this man, including here, as well as the administrators at the school are white. If you read you will see nowhere did I say the alleged victim was white. I would assume ze is, due to the nature of John Doe’s lawsuit, but nowhere did I state my assumption. Many of the black men

Great to hear. The false accusation among men of color, especially black men by white people has a long and torrid history. One that should not be forgotten in the name of white feminism. The man should be investigated, but white people do not get a say here.

Even worse a white guy. No white people, is not OK for you to date people of color. Not in a movie, not in real life.

Dear white people,

I am all for shitting on white people and informing them of things they aren’t allowed to do. The writers of this very site could learn some. White people are almost exclusively ignorant when it comes to race and culture, event he so called “woke” ones. And cultural appropriation is a real thing. Again, one most white

Hey it’s another article that assumes all women have vaginas and clits. Super woke jez!!!

I was really hoping they were doing it for the right reason and not the one reported here. White people have no business participating in this process. Especially white women who have a history of trying to make it out as if their problems and suffering are equal to that of people of color. Stand up and support the

White people poking fun at what wealthy people of color do with their time and money. Does this need to be explained why this is not OK?

Plenty of responses are doing just that. “Our white voices matter too!!!”. Their is absolutely a hierarchy to power and privilege. While it may not always be clear, white women’s plight comes after the plight of all people of color. Always. And sorry, but yes that means a lot of time you need to keep your thoughts to

I do not want to quantify what happened to you in an attempt to put it up against the systematic struggle of oppression, which has included rape, that people of color, specifically black people have face in this country. I guess you could argue I just did, but it is not my intenet to try and minimize what has happened

Not about a free pass, it’s about who gets a say in who gets a pass. White people, white women do not get to comment about black men and sexual assault or rape. One only has to look at the history of black men “raping” white women and our criminal jsutice system in this case, or even just in general, to understand

And your comment tells me everything I need to know about your understanding of race in this country.

Black women have a say here as well, as do all women of color. White people and white women do not get to comment.

Try picking up a history book and learning something about black men accused of raping white women.

Thank you Timmy Burke and all the white bros of Deadspin for speaking for people of color. Please continue to hire lots of white guys who have baseballcaps with curved brims to let the rest of us know what we are thinking and what we should feel.

It is pretty sad that it’s almost 2017 and white women still need it explained to them that they don’t get to comment when it comes to black men accused of raping or assaulting white women. Is Nate Parker a complete shit head? Probably. As a POC I get to say that. White people, including white women, do not. If you do

Remember that time Tom Ley didn’t have any black athletes to demonize one day so he had to write a blog about something that happened 6 years ago.